I jacked up my trike and took the cover off the rear wheel so I could see what happened and when it happened.
Ok, so here is what my MP3 does with the Pie off the ground.
If the wheel is still rotating when I switch from forward to reverse, or reverse to forward:
The wheel slows from what ever speed it was at, and before it comes to a complete stop the wheel changes direction with a large torque input to the motor. Or, with no throttle input, the motor comes to a stop, slowing at the same rate as before the switch was changed. It is my guess that the wheel speed needs to be under some limit before the motor will actually reverse. The rate of slowing sure looks like inertia to me. When switched to reverse just before the motor stopped, there was no apparent change in stopping position from where I estimated, indicating a 60 degree jump.
When I wait til the wheel just stops and then throw the switch with no throttle applied, the wheel does not rotate an additional 60 degrees. When I give it some throttle at the same time as throwing the switch, the wheel starts moving immediately in the other direction.
I tested my Pie many times, to ensure I did not induce or allow a "1 second lag". The results repeated every time. If I reversed just before the wheel came to a complete stop, (Under the limit I supposed above) the wheel would immediately change direction, again with a large torque pulse.
After watching my wheel react to the switching, I have decided to install torque arms on both sides of the axle. The torque pulse is very impressive!
Did you search for the cruise control message I wrote about? I'll tell you just what you need to do.