I guess the real question comes back to is it a 1000W, 500W, or 250W motor?
Elmer, the short answer is all three!
Unlike the HBS motors, the Magic Pie's all have the same width motor ring, magnets and stator assembly, but the stators in the 16" wheels are apparently wound differently to produce a higher rpm, but with reduced torque.
The stated power figures apply equally to all of the Magic Pies, but the exact power figures obtained in use will obviously be dependant upon the battery voltage being used, and the controller's maximum current setting.
My original Mk1 Magic Pie was limited to around 20 Amps max, regardless of the voltage being used.
On a 7 cell 10Ah pack
LiPo pack, it would use approximately 570 Watts of power, but on a 14 cell 5Ah pack
LiPo pack, it would use nearly 1100 Watts of power.
Since I modified the shunt, it now draws around 60 Amps max. and my highest recorded power consumption figures are 1630 Watts on the 7 cell 10Ah pack, and 3108.2 Watts on the 14 cell 5Ah pack.

The recorded power figures would be even higher on 14 cells if I had used a 10Ah pack instead of the 5Ah one, because the extra capacity would also mean that the voltage would sag less under load, and therefore remain higher at the same high current, resulting in more Watts.