Author Topic: eBike sound systems?  (Read 30268 times)

Offline MonkeyMagic

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eBike sound systems?
« on: May 26, 2011, 01:55:13 PM »
Hey guys

I'm curious what kind of sound systems you guys have come up with? I've seen a few pics with speakers, has anyone done something unusual?

I had to fix my audio input on my Logitech Z323 2.1 speakers and to my surprise the transformer inside is 15VDC! Lol I'm thinking taking all the speakers apart and putting something together on my bike ;)

What kind of systems have you guys got? I want ideas! Upload your pics and tell us about your designs ;)

Offline DirtyGinge

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Re: eBike sound systems?
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2011, 07:40:14 PM »
I went cheap and nasty, but up some usb speakers, as they will run on 4 x aa rechargables, gives me about 4 hours runtime
Infineon lyen edition 12 Fet
Goldenmotor Magic pie rear ....2000 Watt peak
oh yea.....Im too fat :)...but cute, oh yea, im cute

Offline MonkeyMagic

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Re: eBike sound systems?
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2011, 09:34:58 AM »
Thanks Gingey

Geez total lack of ideas guys!!! Disappointing! lol
Ok so maybe I will rant a little of my recent shinanigans.

Originally wanted some tunes on my bike, I built and installed a 3 speaker stereo using a 5" woofer bought from ebay that completely BS'd on the frequency response and it turned out to be a mid-range and did not 'woof' to any degree! So I have saved this as a door stop. The 2 speakers I used were from old nokia car kits (10W 8ohm) speakers. They also sounded like someone was banging on a Milo tin in my cupboard. I was shattered !!!!!!!!!!!!!

So after my findings on the Logitech Z323 speaker set, that the AC transformer brings it down to 15VDC which I'm near certain is unregulated hence why I have the exact same sound running from a 12v battery plugged directly into the PCB.

The sound is AMAZING !!!!!!!!

So since, I pulled the 5" crappy thing out of the mini custom sub box I made, calculated the new woofer for a vent and bolted it into position. I've since removed the 4 speakers from the satellite speakers and installed them in a ported small box that sits in my handlebar dash. I still have to finish the wiring and everything else going on, but still cannot get over the sound quality I have on my push bike!!! LOL its tops

So its wired up and working, I don't have pics yet of the completed system but I'll post what I have when I made the sub box last week and you will get the idea of where the other speakers go.

I've checked online and these speaker sets go for around $50 new now, I can't guarantee the earlier or newer models of this speaker set are also DC but I would suggest strongly they are.... The audio chip is a BTL variant and yields about 18WRMS which is heaps considering its blasting from underneath/right in front of you.

Highly recommend anyone wanting a clear, pumpy sound system to try and work on of these on your ride!! :D :D :D

Offline o00scorpion00o

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Re: eBike sound systems?
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2011, 04:34:57 PM »
Monkey, you are one crazy dude!  :o

Keep the peace man, don't annoy your neighbors in the morning!  ;D

Offline dawinksta

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Re: eBike sound systems?
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2011, 04:40:39 PM »
I made a sound system for my friends tandem a couple years ago, it was incredibly loud! two bose speakers, a high end motorcycle battery, and a 150watt car audio amp. cost around $200 when all was said and done and mounted where a front basket would go

Offline MonkeyMagic

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Re: eBike sound systems?
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2011, 04:57:54 PM »
oh cool I wish I had bose speakers lying around! Ahh see I like hearing what people come up with, everyone has a different 'ear' :)


Offline Bigbertha360

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Re: eBike sound systems?
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2020, 12:52:04 AM »
Hello dawinksta would love to see that in future to get ideas