Not sure if the temp sensor would make a difference as if the heat is sustained even for a minute amount of time is enough to melt/destroy the plastic gears. Same goes for exceeding the RPM
And correct me if I'm wrong, but should you limit a given battery current would therefore limit the PWM phase current, no matter the current, correct?
I'm thinking of a small air compressor that uses 12V input. It has a plastic cog that gears the air piston. When I pick it up it's cold, but if I put say 24-30V through it (with the same current) either the motor will burn out or I will snap the plastic gear cog. However if I consistantly limit the current from stop start, then it will be fine upto the rated current/RPM. The temp sensor, if I had one in there - would cause erratic behaviour from the motor that I assume is better controlled by a limited current.
Lol the bottles surrounding my desk are telling me to stop now