I suspect the controller. I’ve been reading on the message board and have done some trouble shooting according to the chart.
1. With battery disconnected, the wheel turns freely in the forward direction and only a small resistance in reverse (the free wheel doesn’t spin free from the chain/derailer)
2. With battery connected the wheel is stiff in both directions.
3. I disconnected all and checked the sensors on the motor, with 5Vdc applied, each cycle as they should.
4. Using the controller as the power source 2 of the sensors cycle and one maintains a steady 4.5Vdc signal.
5. I checked the throttle, with a 5Vdc source connected, at zero throttle - 1.1V , at full throttle - ~4.5V (approximately the same on both sides of the throttle, checking black wire to green and then red wire to green)