Author Topic: Introducing the General Electric Watt Station  (Read 7280 times)

Offline Leslie

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Introducing the General Electric Watt Station
« on: July 18, 2010, 04:05:24 AM »

Electric Vehicle Charging from GE

With the launch of the WattStation, GE continues a century of innovation in the design and manufacturing of electrical distribution systems. GE’s WattStation enables fast level 2 charging at home and on the road. The modular design by renowned industrial designer Yves Behar makes each station future proof, allowing customers to easily upgrade as more communication options become available. This allows customers to stay current with the latest technology in a rapidly changing space, while providing the ability for commercial property owners to qualify for LEED points

Well along from this EESTOR Blog site I found the above article.  The GE power station.

Things for Us EV enthusiasts like us are at last looking up.  The article depicts the Watt stations like parking meters.  Well at least you get something for your money.   ::)


What happens if someone leaves their car in the charging station spot for too long?>>>>  

>>>Car towed
>>>Fine for electrical utility loss of revenue.

Well that's not all bad.  You will be getting fines that actually mean something other than an excuse for the local council and parking meter a-holes to take your cash.

Plug you bike into one of these babies and you8 can have flames shooting from your packs.  ;D

I am not an EESTOR Blogger but have been looking into ultra cap technology for some time.  

Maybe I gave some headway with a home lab test I did using, salt water, aluminum foil and a nickle coin I electroplated with some copper and made a cell, I wanted to see how much voltage the coin could handle, so I reversed engineered (destroyed) a high voltage plasma ball voltage amplifier and pounded the arc into the electrodes. I observed that the nickle copper coated electrode burnt up bad but the aluminum could hold large voltages with no damage what-so-ever.  LOL lots of leakage.  This was a failed electrochemical experiment that saw amazing surface charge results that lasted for an intriguing amount of time.. Dont ask me what the anode and cathode were, I forgot all that.  Id like to remember.  Pretty sure I used the coin as the anode.
Was it me who said use aluminum oxide in the mix for the ESU?  from the guy who thinks he made up the pull my finger joke, ahh prolly not!  Ahhh who cares.

But things do look like they are in the works for the EEstor ESU,.

« Last Edit: July 18, 2010, 04:10:35 AM by 317537 »

Bring it on

Offline Leslie

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« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2010, 04:44:29 AM »

Parameters of each technology to store 52.2 kWh of Electrical Energy

Now we got your attention.

This is the comparison of ultra caps to some other useful electrical storage units.

Parameters of each technology to store 52.2 kWh of Electrical Energy

Ceramic EESU . . NiMH . . . . .LA(Gel) . . . . Lithium-ion . . Description
300 . . . . . . . . .1716 . . . . . 3646 . . . . . .752 . . . . . . . . Weight(pounds)
4541 . . . . . . . .17881 . . . . 43045 . . . . . 5697 . . . . . . . Volume(Cubic inch)
0.02%/30 days . 5%/30 days .1%/30 days . 1%/30 days . . .Discharge rate
3-6 min . . . . . .>3.0 hr . . . 3-15 hr . . . . >3.0 hr . . . . . EV Charging time(full)-100% charge
None . . . . . . . . High . . . . . Very High . . . High . . . . . . . Life reduced with deep cycle use
None . . . . . . . . Yes . . . . . . Yes . . . . . . . .Yes . . . . . . . . Hazardous materials
Negligible . . . . .High. . . . . . Very High . . . High . . . Temperature vs. effect on energy storage

This was supposed to be out last year but the eestor has crawled into a ball and silence is all we hear.

The last news was that EESTOR was in production of the ESU making materials and we are assured it works.

Too many people waiting.  To much is at stake.  While we could pursue other ideas some have submitted to this is it.  A long lasting electrical energy storage device that charges in 5 mins and can store 52kwh in a 300lbs unit.  No one would need petroleum stations ever again.

Can any one find any recent news that means something,

UL Certification results.  Waiting waiting!  A year ago, I thought I would be buying an ESU instead of lithium.

Bring it on

Offline Leslie

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Re: Introducing the General Electric Watt Station
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2010, 08:20:39 AM »

I just watched this thing on the idiot box. Fuels of the future. TV.  

All these Australian companies getting lots of funding trying to make hydrogen fuel out of electricity and the opposite.  The main source of fuel to do this is!  Guess what.  Solar panels and water,  Electrolysis.  Man I wish I got funding to do high school experiments and just shove on a solar panel and wow, how green high tech I could be.  

Another example was to use hydrogen fuel cells.  First you need to make the hydrogen, well that either takes solar panels and or electricity and water, or natural gas electricity and a heap of messy processing.   Go get the GasLand documentary folks.  

OK granted that electricity production isnt that efficient either ATM.  But then to convert hydrogen back to electricity to power a car and let the water drain out on the street.  Lets take the long route guys and ignore the water wastage regime we have set in place in this and other countries and why not just use the fuel that made the hydrogen in the first place.

Where it started to make sense and gots me interested where a few liberated the vehicle of the need for anything other than electricity.

The electric motor makes ICE look like an old slug in terms of efficiency, all we need is the zero emission watts.  Start from the where the exhaust is coming from the tail pipes and work you way up.  

Watt a waste of energy.  The no.1 comment was is, it's all too expensive.  None of it is cheap.  From the coal mine to the power poles and transmission lines, from the deep water horizon mess to the fuel pump, its all unfreaking believable.  

Watt one can do with a few solar panels, a wind prop and a light EV and some led light around the home, man forget the whole energy industry and leave out the crap power lines the come down every time there is a good wind.

They put one power pole in a trailer park where I lived once and it cost $12,000 bucks.  

Put in $12.000 worth of solar panels.

You can pick up a mono 200 watt panel for as little $600 about $300 per 100 watts.

Lets compare and do math.  Dont want to read the math.  Go to the bold text next.

$12,000/$300=40@100 watt


4000wh*6 hours a day sun=24000wh

24000wh*364 days=8736000wh

8736000wh/1000= 8736kwh per year

Lets take a snap shot of an average family using a heater to keep a baby warm in the cold winter.

Per day usage.
May 2008 - 15kWh
Aug 2008 - 26kWh (heavy usage of electric oil heater in the baby's room)
Nov 2008 - 19kWh
Feb 2009 - 12kWh

Lets pick 15kwh as an average per day use and multiply this with 364 days.  Its prolly lower but lets play fair.

15kwh*364= 5460kwh a year.

The answer

5460kwh a year. average power use


8736kwh per year, off solar panels purchase at the price of a power pole.

The cost of 1 power pole can provide enough solar panels to give up more power than an average home requires and the panels can do this for 20+ years, use some green tech lights and heating, insulation you could power two homes.  Maybe 4 trailer vans.


How much do those high transmission towers cost?  ::)

I pass over 1 hundred power poles that lead to our housing estate and most with not a single home in front of the power pole.

Now look at the costs in providing the resources to mine coal.  Like massive coal trucks and their maintenance, extensive rail way infrastructure for the transport of coal. Processing the coal and the clean up involved. The water used to make steam, the power utility stations, massive oil transformers and chemicals that make these devices. The fossil fuel to make it all work.

The list is so extensive I don't know where to begin.

I know in my heart that we are being lead by our stupidity to believe electricity from the utility outlets is actually cheap.  Cheaper than running a gas generator maybe.

They really must bottle it and put on a shelf for it to be "viable". hey. We cant have this as a prop on our roof and a 12 or so good 200 watt panels on each roof.  All that mess replaced by 12x200 watt solar panels, at way less than the cost of a single power pole.

Bring wind generation into it as well and the fossil fuel industry infrastructure looks retarded.  All that mess and crap and pollution for something retarded.  Its a dinosaur waiting to be extinct.  Literally a walking fossil by its own rights.

The green industry is coming to kick the fossil industry in the crotch big time.

Wind power is awesome power. Funny any serious competition to the energy companies and you find yourself at odds with the local council saying, "propeller is flickers light in the neighbors yard". "do do do Neighbors everybody need good neighbors".  NOT!  Wake up 6:30 am to the neighbors power tool home renovations 6 ft from your bed room window for 5 mths and tell me they cant stand flickering light. BS.  You cant stand in the way of their progress can you,

I could post 1000 posts on the environmental damage they are creating.  Getting tired of all this now. 20 years I've been trying to wake the world up to things like the Deep water Horizon incident and what crap like that really means.


Ride green GM people.  :D
« Last Edit: July 18, 2010, 11:39:28 PM by 317537 »

Bring it on