Thank you Leslie for the explanation of the shunt. I thought the shunt was something Mark was putting in, instead it was something he bypassed.
Both. He put in a bypass. Another term for shunt. LOL
Reading scorpions posts they are full of emotion excitement and interesting statistics.
To Mark.
Scorpion you should not be so fast to judge GM. With this controller anyway.
Thank you for sharing.
Maybe judge yourself. I actually think you're doing a very great job again, You have successfully modded the controller and as it seems purely using the software to do so.
Please don't push it. And you have set some standards here by moving up the current from low to high..
The data you're proving with the CA is incredible. Answers so much but so many more questions arise. Stay on track.
It may seem my multimeter was out when I tested those resistor leads. Unless the software current limitation is out or the CA is not correct, the shunt and mod you have done is flooding the area with nice thick flow of AMPS.
If this is the case kudos, even though your mod maybe again too robust the software is keeping the current flow in check. The Shunt is proving very low resistances and you will gain efficiency, this looks good on the flats when current isnt being restricted to the input filter caps by the shunts.
The lower load high RPM times will have higher energy in the shunted side caps as the max I is higher than usual. meaning the fet side of the shunt voltage inst being as harshly effected.
Things to watch for is potholes could rattle your battery cells with current spikes. Hopefully the GM
BMS can filter all that road noise out.