Sorry the first image has my Led the wrong way and why have all that gain the darlington paired MPSA14 has if your not using it.
By placing 13k diodes I recced the current load over the hall. In essence now this should have no impedance issue if one decides to use this circuit all the time installed.
The output voltage of the throttle unconnected reads .71v connected so this should look after the .6v failure beep codes with the MC, and reaches full twist to 3.2v connected. I'll take it for a test ride using this as a throttle amplifier system and see if it needs more resistance between the base leg and ground
The MPSA14 is used as a high gain amplifier NPN transistor. Using such a device allow one to trigger lights or even a motor with the smallest of base current.
Yesterday I had a mosfet driving a motor and I was using the current passing through my fingers to conttroll the speed. The tighter I would grab the gate wire and positive the faster the motor would go.
Similarly I had one of these MPSA14's switching slowly on and off by just touching the base wire alone. It amplified everything quite a bit.