Author Topic: freewheel/regen mode switch  (Read 40129 times)

Offline myelectricbike

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Re: freewheel/regen mode switch
« Reply #45 on: October 02, 2007, 03:06:51 PM »
Have you done a search on "braking" or "regenerative" or other similar keywords? The topic has been covered at least once in this forum so if you do a search you will most likely come across an answer to that question.

Offline caradec

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Re: freewheel/regen mode switch
« Reply #46 on: October 02, 2007, 06:20:23 PM »
Sorry, I thought I was on the right topic...

Offline OneEye

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Re: freewheel/regen mode switch
« Reply #47 on: October 02, 2007, 06:47:33 PM »
Don't worry, you're in the right topic, although the search function can often provide you exactly what you're looking for.  myelectricbike can get testy sometimes--he has answered the question a few times in different threads, but they can get long and buried. 

According to MEB, just keep the throttle rolled forward enough so it isn't braking, but not too far where it is providing power.  As you slow down due to normal wind/friction, release the throttle a little at a time to match your current speed.  This shouldn't use power from the batteries because the back-EMF generated by the motor matches the forward voltage coming from the controller, you essentially get near-zero current.  It will probably take a while to get the feel for when you are coasting instead of applying a bit of power.

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Re: freewheel/regen mode switch
« Reply #48 on: October 02, 2007, 10:28:42 PM »
That's a perfect explanation, OneEye. I understand that using the throttle is essential. Goodbye Pedelec, despite it is obligatory here in France. Thank you very much, I shall try the regenerative controller again.

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Re: freewheel/regen mode switch
« Reply #49 on: October 03, 2007, 12:07:37 PM »
Thanks OneEye but now allow me to make several things clear.

The plan is to build a database of information that can and will serve to provide answers to question that have already been asked as well as to provide answers to new unasked questions but not to repeat previous answers over and over again. This idea supports a dynamic online FAQ and owner manual. There is of course the provision and prerequisite of a keyword search in order to make this plan work.

While additional detailed answers to questions which have already been asked are naturally welcome it is expected that previous answers to the same questions will have already been reviewed by the newbie or by anyone following their keyword search so that it will not be necessary to redirect the newbie or repeat the same answer over and over again.

Asking that a newbie do a keyword search as a prerequisite to asking a question is IMHO not too much to ask, especially since they are likely to gain even more information than the answer to an uneducated question most likely will provide.

I apologize if my response comes off as being testy because my very purpose of course in being here is to assure that newbies are not left in the dark and are in fact served but in addition to doing a keyword search there is another expectation I have for rendering this service free of charge. To be quite frank no one is here with legitimate purpose to help newbies who are too lazy to search for an answer and who resent the suggestion they should do a keyword search prior to asking questions because such newbies will come here to get what they want and serve themselves and then offer no help whatsoever in return. Such newbies who are unwilling to preface their questions with a keyword search, to be testy, not only mark themselves as lazy but selfish as well.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2007, 12:42:35 PM by myelectricbike »

Offline OneEye

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Re: freewheel/regen mode switch
« Reply #50 on: October 03, 2007, 03:33:33 PM »
Sorry, I wasn't trying to snipe at you.  I've found, though, that even some the best information on some of these subjects tend to get buried within a thread and the threads get buried deep in the list.  Some of our 5 page threads where we hash out the particulars of a particular technical question have great information, but finding that info within the thread (even if you know the right one) is a daunting task.  The search function can help, but not always.

One feature that is useful when trying to compile an FAQ type list of topics that contain "approved" answers is a forum admin with the ability to make "sticky" topics that are kept up at the top of the forum.

Alternately, we need an FAQ forum where we distil the useful information out of our sometimes rambling conversations into concise posts.  Only certain members could post to the FAQ forum.  Ideally, threads in the FAQ forum would be exactly 1 post long; critique, discussion, and questions about an FAQ thread would be here, with the consensus answers being edited into the original post.

When we have something like that set up I'll join you in being testy/curt/terse when a repetitive/redundant/stupid question comes up  ;D

Of course, with all the changes in the hardware coming from the factory, how long does it take for an answer here to become obsolete?

Offline myelectricbike

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Re: freewheel/regen mode switch
« Reply #51 on: October 03, 2007, 03:46:44 PM »
Obsolescence... humm... naw. I don't think they will go to a 6 phase motor or do much more to the controller than add an SD card as I've requested plus microcode to turn the controller into a controller/data logger. The real issues that newbies seem to be having repeatedly are frame type, hanger, dropout or spacing problems, fuse problems, battery issues, sensor problems, phase lead problems, throttle and power brake cut-off problems and permisson from the old hag  ;D very sweet nice lady in the kitchen who has all the cash under lock and key. Lets see... seems like there was some thng else... maybe if I do a keyword search I'll come across what it is.  ;D
« Last Edit: October 03, 2007, 03:52:09 PM by myelectricbike »

Offline OneEye

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Re: freewheel/regen mode switch
« Reply #52 on: October 03, 2007, 04:43:46 PM »
Quote from: myelectricbike
and permisson from the old hag ;D very sweet nice lady in the kitchen who has all the cash under lock and key


Let me know when you get that FAQ sorted out and posted.

Offline caradec

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Re: freewheel/regen mode switch
« Reply #53 on: October 03, 2007, 04:56:22 PM »
 :o Wow, such a nice welcome ! Thank you Yourelectricbike ! In spite of my lacks in English, your opinion about lazy and selfish newbies like me has reached my stupid brain (thanks to translators too).
I'm surprised about your knowledge about me.
First I didn't come here thinking "Bouououhhhhh, too tired to make a search, let me post a question anywhere, some stupid user will certainly answer..."
In fact, I was leaded by the link on the site towards your eulogistic (maybe a bit too much) adver... thread about the regenerative controller.
Then, I am not used to think in English, so it is very difficult for me to translate then assimilate all the technical informations buried everywhere.
Even in French, I am not a technician at all. So I tried to ask in a few words my essential inquiries.
Of course I am a newby, like I am on some other forums, where I don't miss to give back my humble newby (I know you like this word) experiences, and tell my (rather good at this point) opinion about my Goldenmotor kits to many virtual users in Europe.
Should every newby on this forum be considered as a "pique-assiette"  ;), according to you, 145 users from 154 would be persona non grata.
Thanks again to OneEye.

Offline myelectricbike

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Re: freewheel/regen mode switch
« Reply #54 on: October 03, 2007, 06:20:00 PM »
Fact is that by not following my suggestion to perform a keyword search to help make any questions less redundant and by not reading the topic from the beginning but instead engaging in the practice of nudging you have missed several answers to your question that such a search and reading may have revealed. If you do not desire to be persona non grata then do that which the label does not fit, namely asking less redundant questions by reading the topic from the beginning and doing a keyword search. You might also want to abandon your practice of nudging since you have not been here quite that long.

Offline OneEye

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Re: freewheel/regen mode switch
« Reply #55 on: October 03, 2007, 06:24:28 PM »
No need to overreact, caradec, perhaps you are interpreting a bit more vitriol from myelectricbike than was intended.

Does the pedelec act as an on-off style sensor?  i.e. if you reverse pedal or pedal at a very slow pace does it tell the controller you are "pedalling".
Or does it vary the allowed throttle based on pedaling speed?

Offline OneEye

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Re: freewheel/regen mode switch
« Reply #56 on: October 03, 2007, 06:26:38 PM »
You too, myelectricbike... repeat after me:  "breathe in.....breathe out...."

Repeat that a few times.  There's no need for this to escalate into a pointless shouting match.

Cut the guy a little slack, please.  He looked around in what he thought were the relevant threads, didn't find what he was looking for and posted in an appropriately titled conversation topic.  English isn't his primary language, so keyword searches on different synonyms may be a bit much to expect.  It's not like the information is perfectly presented...

Just chill, I think the question has been answered anyway.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2007, 06:31:40 PM by OneEye »

Offline myelectricbike

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Re: freewheel/regen mode switch
« Reply #57 on: October 03, 2007, 06:35:18 PM »
Actually I'm headed to the store on my regular bike since they have a buy one get one free sale and I definitely need the excercise. BTW - Philip is interested in the idea of adding the SD card to the controller to make a controller/data logger and will present it to his engineers. Before long, who knows, we may be riding fancy dancy MXZY1 $5,000 Golden ebikes of our own.  8) Converse amoung yourselves.  :-X
« Last Edit: October 03, 2007, 06:36:52 PM by myelectricbike »

Offline caradec

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Re: freewheel/regen mode switch
« Reply #58 on: October 03, 2007, 07:48:43 PM »
I approve your wise reaction, OneEye. Let's forget.
So you invite me to go on in this part of the forum :
You're right, my pedelec is an "on-off" model, not varying at all.
I have heard from another french user that he has a more progressive one.
Do Goldenmotors provide different kinds ?
With my kind of pedelec, I'm afraid there is no mean to use it with the new controller.
Another problem is that without a power cutoff button, you can't stop holding the throttle at the balance point, and the motor is always in use. Am I right ?

Offline Mordaz

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Re: freewheel/regen mode switch
« Reply #59 on: October 05, 2007, 02:09:13 AM »
Back to the topic...

I have just tried my freewheel/regen switching circuit.  It turns out that blocking the reverse current from the controller to the batteries (like a series diode would do) does not result in freewheeling at all.  That said, this circuit is useless.  But I still want to be able to disable the regen function.  As you can see in the attached schematic, I intend to keep the regen braking even when the regen function is disabled. 

Now I think modifying the regen controller is the way to go.  I'd appreciate any help.

« Last Edit: October 05, 2007, 02:10:52 AM by Mordaz »