Author Topic: Should He Stay Or... Oh, never mind.  (Read 22631 times)

Offline Dave

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Should He Stay Or... Oh, never mind.
« on: September 06, 2007, 08:35:25 PM »

Patrick (aka: myelectricbike) and I have put down our verbal weapons and made a truce. While I can't delete this poll (I'd sure like to) I can at least modify it a bit so the tone isn't so nasty.

Sorry everybody.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2007, 02:30:38 AM by Dave »

Offline jfuller

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Re: Should He Stay Or Should He Go? (myelectricbike, that is)
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2007, 08:49:35 PM »
Ban him!

Offline myelectricbike

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Re: Should He Stay Or Should He Go? (myelectricbike, that is)
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2007, 08:53:27 PM »
Ban yourself.

Offline sandmanhi

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Re: Should He Stay Or Should He Go? (myelectricbike, that is)
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2007, 04:05:14 AM »
Granted, I just found this forum today, so what does my oppinion matter anyways...  I was looking to convert a bike for a disabled friend to get around and found the information on the posts that he has posted quite informative.  The arguments that he has had with a couple others of you actually brought out useful information in the course though he does seem to get his mind set in what he thinks and seems unwilling to consider the other side of the coin.  I can recognise that trait in myself sometimes, especially when I am enthusiastic about a subject. 

He should tone it down a bit though...  We all have our own areas of expertise and our own point of view.  I may have gone to college to get a degree in EE, but it doesn't make me an expert at everything electronic (especially since I moved into the computer world in the 20 years since), just more than the average bear. 

Offline mustangman

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Re: Should He Stay Or Should He Go? (myelectricbike, that is)
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2007, 04:43:39 AM »
   Dave, you build choppers to sell to the general public, therefore you are "professional" businessman and as such you have to show some professionalism. By having a arguement out in public, you tarnish your business reputation and drive away potential customers. Of course it is your business and you can do what you want, but if you persist, it might cost you sales and maybe your business. I am not taking sides, I am just observing a disturbing trend to win at any cost.
    As I said in earlier posts, we all have a choice to participate or not to participate. I choose to participate but the name calling does nobody any good and makes this forum a mess. Patrick was here first and he is a fierce supporter of golden motor just like some people love their chevys over any other make no matter what!! He does not know everything nor does he claim to know everything. I can say if Pat has a fault, it is his loyalty to Golden Motor period. (personally I like Toyotas over any make, so I guess that makes me a terrible guy)               Let cooler heads prevail and not take things so seriously.     Thanks, mustangman :)

Offline OneEye

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Re: Should He Stay Or Should He Go? (myelectricbike, that is)
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2007, 06:10:59 AM »
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think were mixing up people again: 

Friggerand was the chopper salesman.  He has since moved on to Crystalyte motors.

Dave Del Russo was the florida e-bike rental guy.  I don't think he ever announced his presence on the forum.

Dave G Thornton, aka "Dave" is currently just an average Joe buyer up in South Dakota.  Granted, if Dave gets a kit up and running and likes it (which from his other post on his rear hub kit the prospects aren't good) he could work with the local bike shop guy he knows and set something up to test the waters.  I'm not sure there's much of a market up there.  We've got more people between Stockton and Fresno than there are in the entire state ;D

Regardless, I think there IS a valid place on the forums for value-added retailers.  It would be easy to set up another area for them to state their buisiness and discuss "businessey" stuff.  The users/lurkers/guests on this forum really are a very small market to try to sell to, especially since some may still prefer the direct-from-source do-it-yourself process that is the norm with these kits.

Patrick and Dave both need to tone down the rhetoric and lighten up.

Hey mustangman, how's that Prius battery pack rebuild going?
« Last Edit: September 19, 2007, 03:32:51 PM by OneEye »

Offline cadstarsucks

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Re: Should He Stay Or Should He Go? (myelectricbike, that is)
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2007, 10:47:39 AM »
What draws so many people to the area between Fresno and Stockton - more than LA and San Francisco and the rest of the entire State?  ??? Proximity to Yosemite? There is no industry in that area, right? I thought that area of the State was used for little else than growing almonds or something and populated only by migrant workers.
Before this whole "military action" thing AKA Revenge of the Retard, people might have moved there for lower property costs and commuted to work.


Offline OneEye

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Re: Should He Stay Or Should He Go? (myelectricbike, that is)
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2007, 03:13:53 PM »
I was referring to the state of South Dakota for my population comparison.  I'm pretty sure that the central valley outnumbers the residents of South Dakota by a small margin.  I help cover 2 congressional districts with Academy recruiting in the area, and I'm pretty sure South Dakota has exactly 1 congressional district.  Actually, the big cities (SF/Oakland/Bay Area and greater LA) are far and away more populous than the central valley.  The primary industry of the central valley is agriculture.  The commuter migration from the Bay Area almost penetrates into Stockton, although it is not as much as some may think.

Offline cadstarsucks

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Re: Should He Stay Or Should He Go? (myelectricbike, that is)
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2007, 04:08:06 PM »
I was referring to the state of South Dakota for my population comparison.  I'm pretty sure that the central valley outnumbers the residents of South Dakota by a small margin.  I help cover 2 congressional districts with Academy recruiting in the area, and I'm pretty sure South Dakota has exactly 1 congressional district.  Actually, the big cities (SF/Oakland/Bay Area and greater LA) are far and away more populous than the central valley.  The primary industry of the central valley is agriculture.  The commuter migration from the Bay Area almost penetrates into Stockton, although it is not as much as some may think.
I'd no idea...All I knew was there are a lot of ritzy jobs in NYC occupied buy SUV driving yuppies who commute an hour each way from here in CT.  Was just a plausible explanation.


Offline OneEye

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Re: Should He Stay Or Should He Go? (myelectricbike, that is)
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2007, 04:28:01 PM »
I have neighbors where both parents do 2-hour commutes into the bay area.  We never see them.  Their daughter leaves her windows open / blinds closed all the time.  My wife tells me she is a noisy little hussy when her boyfriend comes to visit. 

Not much parental supervision in the home.

Offline mustangman

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Re: Should He Stay Or Should He Go? (myelectricbike, that is)
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2007, 06:35:49 PM »
   Basically, they come here from the Bay area to buy a "Ranch" ette with an acre or 2 for the price of a very small townhome in the city and leave the city life behind only to commute those long hours back and forth to work. (Look at the towns of Los Banos and Tracy, CA) They say they do it for the kids, but in reality the kids actually suffer more because of the lack of supervision.
   This area is flat and for the most part rural with small farming towns spotting the landscape, and because of this, it is ideal for ebikes for short trips to the store and possibly to a job.(alot of these towns are 5 to 10 miles apart) The area is also home to many community colleges, private univeristies, and California State University Campuses. With the price of auto insurance, an ebike looks like an attractive alternative transportation.

Offline OneEye

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Re: Should He Stay Or Should He Go? (myelectricbike, that is)
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2007, 06:53:42 PM »
I don't see commercial level electric powered human flight coming into play for a LONG time.  The energy density just isn't there.

The residents of Tracy passed a slow-growth ballot measure to lock out any more bay area commuters.  Lathrop has been welcoming them by the droves, although if you talk to city leaders they feel they have a "balanced" growth plan that includes bringing businesses to the city (I don't believe it for a second).  A new town "Mountain House" was incorporated just west of the Tracy city limits to try to capture some of the migration.  They are just on this side of the Altamont pass.  They are all sucking wind now with the housing bust.

Offline OneEye

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Re: Should He Stay Or Should He Go? (myelectricbike, that is)
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2007, 08:10:52 PM »
I'm not saying it'll never happen, but the energy and power density have a long way to go before they become viable for flight.  It's an exaggerated problem from what is keeping electric vehicles from dominating the freeways today.

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Re: Should He Stay Or Should He Go? (myelectricbike, that is)
« Reply #13 on: September 07, 2007, 11:34:05 PM »
Humm... Re: Should I Stay Or Should I Go? ...Should I Stay Or Should I Go? ...Should I Stay Or Should I Go? ...I think I'm going to vote that I should go!  ;D

Offline mustangman

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Re: Should He Stay Or Should He Go? (myelectricbike, that is)
« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2007, 02:17:09 AM »
 Why go? you were here first! Who makes the rules anyway. (Ahh, I got to go, My wife wants me to install a faucet) LOL  ;D