Author Topic: Intermittent throttle problem  (Read 3427 times)

Offline Tbnrider

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Intermittent throttle problem
« on: May 28, 2019, 03:18:25 PM »
A friend has a 36 volt 902 motor system with thumb throttle and 12aH LiFe battery.that I helped him install last fall. Initially he claimed that periodically the throttle would go dead.  I took his e-bike for a week and put about 250 Km on it with no problems at all.
Lately this Spring, he continues to periodically lose throttle control.  When the throttle goes dead, the battery indicator lights are still lit, and the horn works, but no throttle (so there is power to the Controller).  Then after a while the throttle comers alive again.
I disconnected his speed control connection, just in case somehow he was triggering the speed control, which disengages the throttle, but he claims the intermittent loss of throttle is still happening. (I don't have his bike at the moment.)

Has anyone else experienced this intermittent loss of throttle?  If his problem continues, where should I start looking for the cause?
Is there something in the Speed Controller programming that could cause this?
(I have an unused spare throttle and speed controller that I could switch parts with his for diagnostic purposes if I have to.)


Offline Bikemad

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Re: Intermittent throttle problem
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2019, 09:08:22 PM »
Hi Roy andto the forum.

I am wondering whether the motor has been working quite hard and is cutting out because the controller is getting too hot, and it starts working again after it has cooled down a bit.

If it was due to a poor connection somewhere on the throttle circuit, and not because of overheating, I would suggest that you fit the spare throttle and see if it makes any difference.

Intermittent cutting out is unlikely to be caused by incorrect programming of the controller.


Offline Tbnrider

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Re: Intermittent throttle problem
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2019, 10:33:08 PM »
Thanks very much Alan for your reply

I don't have the bike so I can't check the connections at the moment.
However my friend tells me that he uses full throttle quite a bit.
I suggested that he avoid using full throttle for any extended time and try to stay at half throttle or less for short periods of time when he is calling for motor assist. When I rode his bike for about 270 Km, I had no problems, but I handled his bike as I do with my own bike, going easy on the throttle to minimize power consumption (and extend range).

He is going to try that.  If he still has intermittent operation, I will get his bike and have a good look at the connections, and perhaps temporarily switch in my spare throttle.

Thanks again Alan
