Author Topic: Bluetooth display (speed, voltage etc.)not working, but log of ride is  (Read 3309 times)

Offline Captret

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 Hi to all!  This is my first build. Black Pie 5 front wheel on a Trek 7.2 hybrid. All went well with my first stationary test in the house. Set up parameters with Bluetooth dongle, App seemed to work fine showing speed, voltage, etc.
This morning before ride tried to connect my Samsung S7 to app via Bluetooth. App would find phone but only connect for a few seconds, no display of speed, voltage, rpm etc.  Stopped trying to connect app and went for a short ride, bike seemed to work well.

Now to make a long story short, came home checked all wiring, dongle shows blue flashing light, connects with phone for a few second and then starts blinking again.

Now this is the strange part, when I hit the log icon, it had recorded the ride's duration, max & min voltage and Current, & battery consumed stats. But again shows nothing on the speedo page.

Any ideas anyone????  Thanks in advance,  John P.   :-*

Offline Bikemad

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Re: Bluetooth display (speed, voltage etc.)not working, but log of ride is
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2018, 08:09:22 PM »
Hi John andto the forum.

All I can suggest is to try the other versions of the Bluetooth App which you can find in this thread.

If that doesn't work, see if you can borrow another phone to see if the problem is still the same.


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Re: Bluetooth display (speed, voltage etc.)not working, but log of ride is
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2018, 05:30:05 PM »
Thanks for the reply 👍   Tried my old Samsung S4 same result with All versions of s/w.

I think I have a more serious problem though....after testing my motor again on my stationary stand, it seemed to erratically pick up speed and not even reach full speed. Disconnected brakes, still same problem 😞.  From what I read sounds as though the controller is sketchy.

Any way to check voltages to confirm?

Thanks again, John

Offline Captret

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Re: Bluetooth display (speed, voltage etc.)not working, but log of ride is
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2018, 06:27:10 PM »
Hi Alan,  found 2 posts that sound as though it might be the same problem I'm experiencing. I will follow your excellent advice and check the voltages of the red and black wires on "pedelec" wire off the harness.

Thanks again!