Author Topic: Newbie here saying hello!  (Read 4978 times)

Offline Andrew

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Newbie here saying hello!
« on: September 28, 2015, 08:22:00 PM »
Hello there. Nice forum 8)

Thought i'd say hello ;D

Aint been on here for a while so I hope Gary and Alan are stilling holding the fort.

A bit about me.. I am a school teacher and a dad and a Magic Pie owner of 5 years.
My bike, well lets say it has evolved over time, but my pie mk2 still survives.
It is currently pulling 67v and 50amps, over 3000watts  :o

I have not kept up with the current golden motor developments but I am sure much has changed. Controllers maxing out at 17amps are a hopefully a distant dusty and dirty memory. I hear there is something called 'sine wave' taking hold on the streets, or so I hear from those with their  thumb on the throttle.

Anyway, I suppose my pie mk2 is old hat by mow, but every time I think I have broken it, it always turns out to be something else in the chain of parts and not the pie. Yes, its losts its internal controller, yes its losts its hall sensors, and yes the phase wires have been changed, but god it keeps eating up amps like a tramp with a bag of chips.

All the best

« Last Edit: September 28, 2015, 08:24:45 PM by Andrew »

Offline Bikemad

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Re: Newbie here saying hello!
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2015, 11:38:57 AM »
Hi Andrew,

It's good to hear you're Pie is still going strong, but I think your use of the term Newbie is perhaps stretching it a bit considering that you've been a forum member for over five years now.  ;)

Is Sarah still using her eBike too?

« Last Edit: September 29, 2015, 08:43:31 PM by Bikemad »

Offline Andrew

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Re: Newbie here saying hello!
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2015, 03:41:21 PM »
Hi Alan,

yes, five years down the line, with all the garage/shed gubbings to go with it.  Sarah still has her bike but recently made me take the motor etc off  as she is now peddling with my daughter Josie(now nearly 3 years old) who has a non pedal 'Islabike' that she scoots about on.  I on the other hand (being the lazy old man) am still chasing speed and torque.... especially torque! I have been running in and probably over exerting some new fan-dangled Turnigy multistar lipo packs from Hobbyking. Less bricks, less weight and more ah, but with a reduced discharge rating of 10C.  Now that Josie is more independent, I have a 'smidging' of time to potter in the garage in the evenings where I can throw spanners and burn my fingers until I am blue in the face.

its good to see you are still holding strong on the forum, and from what I gather Gary is probably still handing out customer 'get in line' tickets from Canada.

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Re: Newbie here saying hello!
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2015, 10:35:17 PM »

How nice to hear from you. Glad to see your little one is getting older and riding a bicycle. My wife went through the same thing with the "anti ebike" thing when my kids started riding their bikes. I waited until they got older and converted their bikes to electric. It was only a matter of time until my wife said "hmm. maybe I could use a motor on my bike again. lol...

Yes, I am still doing the Golden Motor thing. After 6 years of working full time and running this business I finally gave up the day job . Now I am full time GM. My mother asked me a few weeks back "How is it not going in to work anymore, you must have more free time now?". My reply was "yes of course, now I have more time to work around the clock!". People don't realize what it takes to run a business like this. It is far beyond just selling a few kits here and there. The only reason I was able to survive until now was the 6 years of effort building a customer base and reputation while I paid my bills driving truck full time.

Anyway I hope this isn't a one time drop in but if so, all the best to you are your family.

Offline Andrew

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Re: Newbie here saying hello!
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2015, 07:48:26 PM »
Hi Gary, I am so glad to hear that business is keeping you busy, never a bad thing. I have recently resurrected my pie by getting some new lipo bricks and taking it into the local hills for some fun. There has been lots of tweaking and many hours in the garage tinkering away, but that is part of the fun for me, I wouldn't have it any other way. The pie refuses to give up, I feel I have a vintage in my hands! There will probably come a day when a younger crowd will point in amazement at the silly man on his ancient brushless pie.