Author Topic: Pedelec questions  (Read 5083 times)

Offline E-recumbent

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Pedelec questions
« on: June 05, 2013, 03:10:48 PM »
Ehhh, so I guess I have to reply to this post, and then it will be moced to a relevant thread, or to be created to a completely new thread? Seems like a buttload of work if you ask me... But perhaps I have misunderstoos something, who knows.

Anyway, I cannot seem to be able to neither reply to any topics nor to create a new topic. Weird, indeed. I will try to post here, and see what happends.

Anyway, I am Kent from Sweden. Hi everybody! (hi Kent...), OK, no AA meeting then. :D

Anyway, I have a recumbent, and I have ordered a Magic Pie 3, with 48V batterypack that I will add to it. Yesss!!!
With the cheapo-crap pedelec solution... nooo.... :-[ And I ordered a Cycle Analyst 2.3... nooo...  :-[

I havenĀ“t received any of these items yet, but I will in the near future (like next week, perhaps). I have already found out the hard way that I need to upgrade to a Cycle Analyst 3 with a Thun package, I will just have to bite the bullet. I just thought this time I will make sure I order everything I need. On my shopping list so far:

Cycle Analyst 3, with Thun Sensor package 119mm
Front torque arm (just in case)
Perhaos a Handlebar Mounted 3-position switch? So I can have a master OFF-swith somewhere along the powerline. So I can override everything and just KILL the electricity completely (in case of worst-case-scenario)

I found a interesting thread here: , but on the diagrams they connect a button-throttle to the package. I cannot have button throttle, this would make my bike illegal in Sweden. Can I connect the above package to the Thun-sensor and CA 3 without any button throttle?

Thanks a lot!

Kent from Sweden

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Re: Pedelec questions
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2013, 05:23:57 PM »
I have already done this. Have a look over here...


Offline E-recumbent

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Re: Pedelec questions
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2013, 10:12:41 PM »
Wow, thanks for a fast and perfect answer! :D

Do you know if a connector/cable that can be used for this is included in the CA3/Thun package? Or if it is something I can add to the cart? Something a bit better than sticking a cable in the connector would be nice to have...

Offline GM Canada

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Re: Pedelec questions
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2013, 10:49:40 AM »
Sorry there is nothing made for that. The throttle out wire from the ca3 shunt is just a bare wire. It's up to the user to figure out how to use it. If your intention is to only ever use the pedals to power the motor then you could leave the wire coming from the motor intact and cut the plug off the 8 pin wire that goes from the motor to the handle bars. Then with a meter determine which wire you need and solder into it.

Splicing into the 8 pin wire harness is likely a better option then splicing into the wire attached to the motor. The wire from the motor is directly attached to the controller. If you splice into the motor wire and had to replace the controller you would have to redo your connection. If you splice into the wire harness then if you replaced the controller the connection would not be effected.

Keep in mind you really need to be careful here so you don't connect to the wrong wire.
