Author Topic: Magic Smart Pie use PAS combined with Throttle  (Read 4543 times)

Offline frohlich

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Magic Smart Pie use PAS combined with Throttle
« on: September 28, 2012, 08:50:31 AM »
Hello everybody!

I am new to the e-bike theme, so I found your great forum. Many of my questions I found answers for, but there is one specific area I could not...Thus I would be thankfull if you could help me with this:

I planning to buy a Smart Pie. I want to use throttle and PAS interacting in the following way (which is by the way according to German regulations):

1. Start motor/riding by starting to cycle. So signal from PAS should start motor.
2. The speed the motor would start with needs to be depending on the level of throttle. In other words: If the throttle is i.e. on 50% and I start to cycle, the motor should speed up to 50% as well. If the throttle is on very low or high level, the motor should have proportional speed when starting to cycle (PAS signal on).
3. If I stop to cycle (no PAS signal), the motor shoul stop, if possible immediately, regardless the level of throttle.

Is this the normal function of the samrt pie or is there a way to relaize?

Looking forward to your answers. Thanks a lot in advance.

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Re: Magic Smart Pie use PAS combined with Throttle
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2012, 02:35:41 PM »

I have never heard of any kit that is PAS that uses a twist throttle to moderate the ammount of applied power. PAS bikes usually have a LCD screen that you can change the ammount of power on the fly. The Golden Motor Kits with twist throttles that have a PAS sensor hooked up can be toggled from twist throttle to 1:1 PAS mode by pressing the cruise control button twice while at 0% throttle. The only way to further adjust the amount of PAS assistance is by hooking up the controller via USB to a laptop and use the GoldenMotor software that is found on their website.

With the basic MagicPie3 setup I fount that the most effective way to use it as a PAS is to just get up to what speed you want to stay at and hit the cruise control button. Then, just pedal as much or as little as you want. If you exceed the set speed it will apply less power and if you drop below it will apply more power. This is the most effective way to use the MagicPie kits that I have found.

As far as the way you want to use the kit you just wont find any kits out there that do that. Sorry...

Hope this helps!

Everything is better with more horsepower!