The last test at 5 amps continuous 10 max it was a bit of an unfair start. All four starts rolled around the same corner and scooted down the street. But the last one I had to stop completely (damn cars!) so when I rounded the corner the start was much slower. But it’s still very respectable. I think you are asking me what these motor can take and I have no knowledge. I would go with those that explain things in a way that make me head spin. But I can do practical experience testing.
I think in Alan’s post he suggested 9 amps. Not sure I'd have to look back. So late last night I reset both controllers to 30 continuous and 50 max then I did the advance hookup on the Cycle Analyst. I am very surprised as to how long this takes me now. I think I have done it 6 or 7 times and its now down to a 10 - 15 minute job. Today I tried the CA at all the same peak settings in the previous video and the results were pretty much the same.
Then I tried setting the at 9 amps as Alan suggested and max speed at 32 kph. Just to see how it would be.
That’s when I had the most "Awesomest Awesome ride ever!" as Jack Black said in "Kung Foo Panda".
I made a fantastic discovery! Now I have three options going on this bike for acceleration and they all seem to work well together.
1- thumb throttle - you can hold it down and the CA regulates the Amps drawn at 10 and speed 32 kph.
2- cruise button - You can set the cruise at any speed up to 32 kph - also if you hold the throttle on full and hit cruise before 32kph it will go past the setting of the CA and up to the maximum speed of the bike.
3- pedelec - any time I pedal the bike takes off at full throttle with no restrictions from the CA. This full speed effect can be regulated using the throttle. If you use full throttle while peddling the bike goes the max amps and speed set on the CA if you let off the throttle completely it again goes full unregulated power. Holding the throttle anywhere in between gives a variable midrange effect.
This was all working really well and I look forward to my ride to work tomorrow for a longer test. I may still cut the controllers back a bit with the USB cable but as it is now I can picture the following. I pedal and throttle at takeoff for CA regulated settings, use the throttle and/or cruise on the flat to slight upgrades CA Regulated, and pedal hard up the hills using the pedelec to power the bike and the throttle to regulate how much I override the CA.
More to come. Going to video my stats on my uphill climb to work tommotow. WooHoo! Can't wait!
PS Also had a ride to the lake with my son today..