This is the second time someone has mentioned this "motor" to me. I have seen a youtube vid with a guy who builds one using a computer fan and some electronics from radio shack...I'll try and find it again. There are a few "overunity" designs out there, some made as early as 1920's. Victor Scauberger made the water driven implosion motor. An inductive device of some description was made by T. Henry Moray in the states 1926. An English man named John Searl in the 40's made a generator, that turned out to be superconductive, was made into a flying disc (see Searl effect generator and the direct international science consortium) I have posted in this forum a basic outline of how I would use Magic Pie to run overunity, it would depend upon creating a feedback loop controlled by piezo crystal. The Austrailian company, Lutec has done just that, and is ready to make the units available for consumer sales soon.
In reality, I have yet to get very far with any of these devices, I would think that the Lutec Overunity generator is the closest to making "free" energy available to people like you and me.