Author Topic: Flakey Controller Internals - QC?  (Read 5415 times)

Offline philf

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Flakey Controller Internals - QC?
« on: June 18, 2008, 09:23:56 PM »
I'd posted in another thread that I was willing to post pics of the regulator section of the controller, for anyone interested, detailing the differences between the 24V/36V/48V controllers (they all look the same, except for how they're populated!).

I was reminded of the most glaring problem I saw with this particular controller (my fourth, and bought as a spare) that I haven't mentioned in this forum previously.

A picture is worth a thousand words, as they say, so I'll give you with this image...  The black wire you are looking at is the negative lead from the main power feed where it's soldered through the PCB...  Yes, the BIG FAT ONE that's kinda important.

You have to study this picture to get a sense of scale (thanks, Nikon, for the abilty to get in way too close :-), but the space between the frayed wire and the the open traces around the SMD resistor to its right is REALLY small.  Wiggling the wiring harness from OUTSIDE the case (through the silicone) causes movement!  No doubt, causing potential contact between the flying strands of this wire, and surrounding components.

Anyways, this furthered my original notion that you should open up and inspect everything before even plugging it in...

Two notes about this picture...  The solder mask on this board was white, as opposed to the usual, and common, green that was applied to the previous three units I've had my mitts on.  The shiny "sprayed-on" looking stuff on the wires is just the conformal coating that was blasted onto the whole affair after manufacture.