Author Topic: Finally Going Green  (Read 22173 times)

Offline MonkeyMagic

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Re: Finally Going Green
« Reply #30 on: November 12, 2010, 09:13:24 PM »
Hey mate

With the output of your batteries combined, you could even make a decent charger using a step up converter

I found this modified converter:

It doesn't show current consumption, but I think this would compete with the inverter? I wish I had panels :( lol

Using a LM317 (your mate) you could create a current limited 2.5A charger from the output, and feed 52/53V into your batteries. What do you think of this?

Offline Leslie

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Re: Finally Going Green
« Reply #31 on: November 14, 2010, 03:15:09 PM »
Maximum would need to be 61v or even higher if I was to us an LM317t or a LM338 chip.

Ping batt and the BMS charges my pack up close to 61v.

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Offline MonkeyMagic

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Re: Finally Going Green
« Reply #32 on: November 14, 2010, 06:01:04 PM »

just slap a couple of AA batteries in there then


Offline Leslie

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Re: Finally Going Green
« Reply #33 on: November 16, 2010, 02:31:22 AM »

just slap a couple of AA batteries in there then


Wha?  ???  I think you misunderstood me maybe.  The DC supply up converter need to output at least 60v to charge my 16 cell lifepo with the signalab BMS balance regime.  The charger switches off at about 60.5v then allows the BMS to take the high cells down and switches back on. The BMS also disconnects from the charger to balance in this way too.

Meanwhile at the solar charging station.

Been pretty good weather.  Some sun and overcast weather mixed. I charger the 48v MP with 10ah about 30kms hard ride, and then I charged two bikes at once after they both went for a 12km ride then I went for another 12km on the mp.  On the last charge the 12v inverter started to alarm low voltage.

So in normal Aussie weather 120 watt panels and a 90ah pack and charging during the day I can get about 60kms a day.

I must do some tests on one MP and log the exact KMS.  This will take a day of focus on tests and I need something to measure the amps going out of the 12v solar SLAb.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2010, 02:34:07 AM by 317537 »

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Offline MonkeyMagic

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Re: Finally Going Green
« Reply #34 on: November 16, 2010, 02:42:32 AM »
lol dude I was joking !
Haha don't do that lol

What's this about a 90Ah pack? Is that your SLAb? (awesome pun there mate)  Say 3 x 30Ah ?

haha AA batteries you must have flipped out

Offline Leslie

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Re: Finally Going Green
« Reply #35 on: November 16, 2010, 03:29:36 AM »
lol dude I was joking !
Haha don't do that lol

Or you were suggesting that I use a battery in series circuit with the charger to up the voltage to charge a single pack at higher volts, funny this scenario.  As every cell you add in series to a charge supply takes down the voltage to the pack.  more Resistance and now you would need even higher volts to charge through the added series cells.

Series and parallel charging circuits power need to originate from an isolated source..

I have not a BMS for the Snake Pie.  Before I buy another Im going to try making one from these MPSA14 transistors.  I had a little success building a shunt from a single Darlington pair transistor.  Two of them cascading will improve the knee and efficiency.

These little MPSA14's can output 1.2 amps but the gate can draw too much at nominal cell voltage set like this.  SO I'm thinking cascading them.

I will lose a little voltage at the gate voltage on the second level shunt but the gain is amazing on these transistors.  So even if I can get 3v up to the second gate I can get a lot more current from the first drain to switch the second on hopefully giving me a very sharp shunt on off knee.

Hopefully I can make another circuit off the second transistor shunt to cut off the charger at 3.9v at any one of the series cell.

I tried using 3v relays for switching shunts and it was too hard to get rid of oscillations with the low voltage coils.  The damned things had me looking for  surge chokes to try stopping it, getting too complicated on a proto type level.  But it can be done

« Last Edit: November 16, 2010, 03:31:41 AM by 317537 »

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Offline Leslie

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Re: Finally Going Green
« Reply #36 on: November 16, 2010, 03:52:45 AM »
lol dude I was joking !
Haha don't do that lol

What's this about a 90Ah pack? Is that your SLAb? (awesome pun there mate)  Say 3 x 30Ah ?

Ohh and im using 7x24 AH SLA in oarallel.  They are my old Ebike SLA's  Haa two generations too.  Some would no doubt be ok and not some so hot.  But its not like I care if they are all the same AH as they would otherwise be recycled.

The loss of capacity on an Ebike for SLA's is not always a good judge for there ability to provide power at lower C.  7 of these SLA's certainly can handle the 25 amps the inverter can suck down when running two charger.

I think the current draw may get too high when the volts drop over the pack running two chargers but we would only need two charger on sunny day rides with two bikes,  So it all balances..

I did all that hard running on the SLAb I mentioned before yesterday.  

Well im charging  a single bike again, close to 3/4 finished.   Its sunny with very frequent overcast periods.  5.6 ah I need and I am not concerned battery sitting at close to 12v on the really bad to read analogue volt meter.  
« Last Edit: November 16, 2010, 04:00:57 AM by 317537 »

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Offline MonkeyMagic

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Re: Finally Going Green
« Reply #37 on: November 17, 2010, 09:58:47 AM »
Here is a night shot of the lights, hard to get a good shot to do it justice, but these are a good enough indication.

These lights here are running off the power from the pack.  So these lights too are using sun power.

Still can't get over those lights lol they are fantastic !!

Offline Leslie

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Re: Finally Going Green
« Reply #38 on: November 17, 2010, 08:47:24 PM »
Yes the lights are great.  I used one of those Renton DC to DC converters at 3.5v.  The back red light works as soon as I switch the bike on and I short a series resistor through those brake switches you linked me to I got at Dealxtreme so they go way brighter when I hit the brakes.

I cant stand looking for batteries, charging them and fixing stupid torch things to handle bars, and the rest of what seemed to be an evolving long list of crap one need to do just to go for a ride at night.  Winter is worse because you need to dress in heavy gear.

I love ridding at night in summer.  I stick my anti-bug-in-eye safety eye protection glasses on and the cool summer night air is nice with a cool dry beer. 

LOL drink and ride.  :D  Thats why I have two throttles so I can use either hand for my beer.  Im learning to control the bike with my left hand thumb controller.  Ha at 50 amps I was like almost falling off the seat trying to control it around round-abouts with my left hand.  Well right hand signals are hard around a round-about.

I love being able to slip my thongs on and walking into where I park my bikes, I switch on my bike and lights and zoom off I go.

It couldnt be more simple.

The black MP bikes are good stealth at night.  Quiet, I love how I can ride through my whole town on party night and you would be lucky to have three people notice you.  Its usually the person on the sidewalk in a day dream that spots your bike, waiting out side a night club and you see them focus and pull the WTF is that face.  Haha and by the time they hey look at that youre half way down the street.  Even with the lights I don't seem to attract near as much attention as I did with the big clunky SLA job or the noisy dyno on the brushed bike.

Most see the bike coming from the front.  The lil BMX brushed bikes are terrible at stealth.  On party nights I get the wooot by the drunkards.  Its almost like I made there night glorious riding past them.

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Offline GM Canada

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Re: Finally Going Green
« Reply #39 on: November 18, 2010, 01:47:55 PM »

I love being able to slip my thongs on and walking into where I park my bikes, I switch on my bike and lights and zoom off I go.

You wear a thong? Gawd how am I going to get that image out of my head!


Offline MonkeyMagic

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Re: Finally Going Green
« Reply #40 on: November 18, 2010, 03:22:08 PM »
bwahahaha lol I think theres is a slang translation issue there ;)

LOL Me and the wife took out our first ever ebikes on a much needed night out, we were drinking that absinthe alcohol, I think it's artificial.

I tried to play guitar and sing.  Twang labrurlablah. 8) 8) 8) ??? ??? ???

That was about 2 years ago and we haven't let our hair down like that since.

It's good to see your 'letting your hair down' again mate :D

top work

Offline Bikemad

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Re: Finally Going Green
« Reply #41 on: November 18, 2010, 03:25:08 PM »

I love being able to slip my thongs on and walking into where I park my bikes, I switch on my bike and lights and zoom off I go.

You wear a thong? Gawd how am I going to get that image out of my head!

That would definitely explain the following:

On party nights I get the wooot by the drunkards.  Its almost like I made there night glorious riding past them.

It must be the sight of Leslie riding his bike wearing just a thong, especially if they catch a glimpse from behind as he rides past! ;D
Fortunately he no longer needs to stand up and pedal, and I'm guessing this was probably why the shunt modification was deemed necessary in the first place. ;)


Offline Leslie

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Re: Finally Going Green
« Reply #42 on: November 19, 2010, 08:38:18 PM »

I love being able to slip my thongs on and walking into where I park my bikes, I switch on my bike and lights and zoom off I go.

You wear a thong? Gawd how am I going to get that image out of my head!


Thongs are footwear wear in OZ and G-strings look great on our gals .  So in Canada I heard the last time someone wore a G-string down the beach lost a digit from frost bite, and paramedics had to approach this person wearing full faced welding masks.  Blinding I say.

And isnt Borat like the UK's national hero?  Only our league players dress like that picture here in OZ but they tend to lean more towards wearing tutu's and makeup on the sports variety late night TV shows they appear in. Some of of the stuff I see them get into make Borat's G-string look almost OK in comparison.

Alan I remember a picture of your cat sleeping in the dish rack, and in the sink was a bottle of dish detergent called "Fairy",  I could help but thinking a "fairy" had done the dishes that day fo


Never mind.  :D
« Last Edit: November 19, 2010, 08:40:48 PM by 317537 »

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