Author Topic: Polite posts get zapped  (Read 5826 times)

Offline Electrobent

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Polite posts get zapped
« on: November 13, 2009, 03:00:16 PM »
I don't get these guys:

When I post polite requests for information on warranty issues, my posts get zapped.

When they are impolite rants they get to stay.

Here is the latest email from Tom:

"You motor can run or not?"

to which I replied "It runs on two phases only"  to which there has been no response other than to zap my polite thread.

I guess I will have to rant and rave for a while longer--sorry guys

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Re: Polite posts get zapped
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2009, 06:11:42 PM »
After three emails this month, there has been no response to my lament that my 36V motor recently died. And I only asked for help to diagnose the problem. GM seems to be a young and fast-growing company and may be unfamiliar with the mechanics of good customer relations. But the intent seems to be good; witness the presence of senior officers on the forum. But many customers are unhappy with GM.

Perhaps one of the more active posters can start a subject with links to all the recent comments about the quality of GM customer service. And perhaps GM can start to remedy this deficiency by posting their customer service policy. Most of us, in the Western world at least, expect better care from any established vendor.

Offline Electrobent

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Re: Polite posts get zapped
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2009, 01:52:11 AM »
I would propose a sticky thread containing diagnostic procedures laid out in fashion easy to follow: a decision tree or flow chart. 

"Do X and if Y happens do Z, otherwise do Q" sorts of algorithmic procedures along with references and other resources.

Most of this could be collected from what has already been posted.

This could be reproduced in several languages.

This would help to keep TOM from having to answer the same simple questions over and over.

At the end of this tree, that hopefully very few people would get to (but apparently I am there) would be the email link to TOM, but it would not be just a free-form email but rather a web form that can't be submitted until its filled out with the all the information TOM needs to make a decision.

This way, TOM has fewer emails to wade through and they all have all the information he needs so he does not get started in an email volley that goes on for months (like the one he and I appear to be engaged in.)

My only management credentials are that I was Peter Drucker's errand boy in college and learned more listening to him than I did in too many of my courses.

I'd be willing to help out with something like this once my bike is running again . . . .

Let's pull together and build Golden Motor a customer interface so that they can interface with us.


Offline e-lmer

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Re: Polite posts get zapped
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2009, 02:29:24 PM »

Practice the art of distilled communication.

Q: "Your motor can run or not?"
  A: "No. Not correctly."

When you get a yes or no question from a differnt language, the
best answer is yes or no.

Adding a narrative is great with Primary Language English speakers,
where you are expected to justify your answer with supporting
arguments, but with English as a second language the justification
can impede communication.

I am not saying that they can't read your answer, I am saying the
longer answer is more work and distracts the reader/translator from
acting on your answer in order to translate.

Just my opinion, but I have had a great experience dealing with Yao.