Author Topic: Asking for advice from other forum members.  (Read 5982 times)

Offline Jose

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Asking for advice from other forum members.
« on: April 22, 2010, 04:26:59 PM »
I am very disappointed with GM products, and customer service:

Few months ago I bought 2 minimotor kits by internet. First one was burnt in 2 days as reported to the forum (September 30, 2009)). The second one, with careful use and electrical protection, also failed after few weeks.
Mr. Yao Yuan, by email, has insisted me to be patient and not to worry, as the minimotors were being redesigned to solve the known problem, and I will get my replacements in due time.
When Yao reported that the units were improved a lot, I sent my shipping address for the replacements and that was the end of the story - GM  do not reply to my messages anymore (4 so far).

If you know about any similar experience, I would appreciate any advice.

Offline Hardcore

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Re: Asking for advice from other forum members.
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2010, 05:21:52 PM »
I also didn't got emails after they thought they solved my from, try emailing him with the Subject: URGENT! or so and also try contacting him true this forum,

here is one email address you could try to add to CC or whatever it's called in your mail.
also called tom