Author Topic: VEC 600 dead DCDC Converter  (Read 2453 times)

Offline Fm@4motec

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VEC 600 dead DCDC Converter
« on: July 05, 2021, 01:43:58 PM »
Hi all,

I have aquired a VEC600 48V version second hand and I noticed that it won't start. I opened it after successfully programming it with a selfmade programming cable.
I noticed a burn mark of some sort on the chip which converts the Vbat+ (through e-lock) to about 15V for the control circuitry.
This chip is in my case a S-858, or at least that's what it says on the chip itself.
I have seen a post from a VEC500 owner where I suspect the same issue is present. I wrote a private message but unfortunately he/she didn't respond up until now.
Right now I have bypassed this dead converter with a external power supply set to 15V and the controller works.

My question is, if any VEC500 or VEC600 owner is willing to open up their controller (dead or working) and tell my if their converter chip is the same S-858.
I have attached a pic, with the area marked where this chip is located (I hope the attachment works :D).

With much thanks,

PS: In case this comes up again. I looked for a S-858 and the only chip I found was S-8580/1 by ablic. The weird thing is that this chip is actually not even rated for 48V.
Its nominal operating voltage is 36V which would be violated by the controllers rating of 48V (maybe I missed something). Thats why I am curious if someone actually replaced this chip prior to me aquiring the controller.