Author Topic: SUGGESTION  (Read 3419 times)

Offline Druss1

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« on: June 19, 2016, 06:33:19 PM »
As the mp5 is bluetooth ready via a mobile phone would it be possible to set up multiple instances of speed/other settings that are stored on the mobile phone?

In a similar way to PAS settings (eg1-5) when selected they update the pie over bluetooth instantly?

This way us users could have multiple speed settings at the touch of a button not linked to the PAS. (my trike has no pedals so PAS useless.)

All GM would need to do is change the apk software and issue an update!

This would give me the settings I need for:

Walking speed
Pavement Speed
Road Speed

ps Would it be possible to get minimum revs per minute reduced to 50?

« Last Edit: June 20, 2016, 09:29:48 AM by Druss1 »

Offline Sam.Vanratt

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« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2016, 09:22:36 PM »
Hello Druss1
I'm not sure that any designer from GM looks into this forum. Afaik the current controller needs a restart to take new values from the NVRAM (that's were the settings are stored), which makes realtime changes not really possible.
As my (I have 3 bikes with MP3s build into them) MP III controller causes me pain/work from the starting point (4 already died in three years and needed replacements) I've replaced the last one which was (part) defective after just 2 weeks later I decided to go to an external variant. After not finding anything surely compatible to the MP III AND not from GM (same controller just different casing) I stumbled upon the VESC (open source) controller. After building (open source, so you decide everything yourself) the first one was such a new world that I fallen instantly in love with it. About 60EUR (with the standard parts; my choice costet nearly the double) price complete and everything could be changed the way you like (I'm an electronic so changes are very easy and convenient). BLDC Motors could be learned (settings autodetected) and the controller is much smaller than the external from GM. The internal CAN Bus came perfectly as the rest of my bikes use CAN as well. Any change in settings is instantly used. The commutation could be chosen so now I have one MP III with sinus commutation which GM did not produce (which is much more silent than block which is MP3's default). The (controller) efficiency is nearly 99% thanks to the lowRDSon of the FETs I've chosen+lowESR Solidstate condensators. I'd have chosen easily to use 100V FETs and fitting condensators as well if I wanted to overdrive the MP3.
The only big disadvantage compared to the MP3/4/5 is the external controller and to find someone to solder it and program it (which is perfectly regulated via a forum of users).

Afair there's one forum in here where GM is involved. Maybe you should start a thread there? Alan or Gary maybe know where exactly this forum is