I'm currently swapping my MP3 internal controller for the GM external 50A version.
Extending and attaching the hall, phase and battery wires is simple enough but I'm a little confused about the throttle and cruise control connection.
I stripped the end off my 4 plug GM wiring harness and used Bikemad's helpful diagram to work out the colours for each wire. I was a bit surprised that the battery (+) was orange and the cruise control was red given that GM made the harness and the controller and all the other wires seem to color match (Alan/Bikemad could this be an error in your diagram or should I go with orange = battery (+)?

I've taken a picture of the controller wires and the end of the wiring harness:
Connecting the orange battery (+) and the black battery (-) to the yellow plug seems obvious
at the blue plug do I just connect the cruise control (red) to the orange wire and leave the black empty or do I need to split the black (battery (-)) wire at the harness end and connect that to the other side of the blue plug?
For the throttle plug I can see where the green wire should connect but again do I run battery (-) to the black wire and what do I connect to the red wire on that plug?
Sorry for the noob questions - I thought this was going to be very straightforward but I can't afford to get this wrong and damage the controller....
Any help much appreciated.