Author Topic: Does anyone speak Spanish?  (Read 5637 times)

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Does anyone speak Spanish?
« on: May 01, 2014, 11:32:14 PM »
   En el pedido que he hecho se me olvido decir que tiene freno de disco    [Customer]    12th Feb 2014 @ 2:00 PM    Read    (Mark as Unread)    Edit    Flag
Re: Avisar
   In the order I actually forgot to say that I have disc brake    Gary Salo    12th Feb 2014 @ 5:21 PM    N/A    Edit    Flag
Re: Avisar
   Thank you.    Gary Salo    12th Feb 2014 @ 5:23 PM    N/A    Edit    Flag
Cuando llega el pedido?
   Hola quisiera saber cuando me llega el pedido, llevo mes y medio desde que lo compré y todavía no me ha llegado. Quiero saber cuanto tardará porque si no quiero anular el pedido, un saludo.    [Customer]    27th Mar 2014 @ 10:20 AM    Read    (Mark as Unread)    Edit    Flag
Re: Cuando llega el pedido?
   The tracking number is CC192044728CA

It arrived in your country on march 14 2013. Please contact your local post office.

Gary    Gary Salo    28th Mar 2014 @ 10:01 AM    N/A    Edit    Flag
   Este: CC192044728CA no es mi pedido, es este: CC192063700CA    [Customer]    30th Mar 2014 @ 7:23 AM    Read    (Mark as Unread)    Edit    Flag
Re: Error

IS NOW IN CUSTOMS IN YOUR COUNTRY    Gary Salo    31st Mar 2014 @ 4:16 PM    N/A    Edit    Flag
Error en el pedido
   Me han enviado acelerador de puño y yo pedi de pulgar, está mal, después de tanto tiempo esperando el envio, me cobran otros 110 euros en aduana y encima el pedido viene mal, estoy muy insatisfecho. Ruego una solución.    [Customer]    8th Apr 2014 @ 6:21 AM    Read    (Mark as Unread)    Edit    Flag
Re: Error en el pedido
   Are you saying you received the wrong throttle?
   Gary Salo    10th Apr 2014 @ 7:42 PM    N/A    Edit    Flag
Error en el pedido
   If the you can check on my order, I asked twist and I instructed fist have you can send photos    [Customer]    11th Apr 2014 @ 6:07 AM    Read    (Mark as Unread)    Edit    Flag
Re: Error en el pedido
   I understand what you ordered.

I do not know what a fist is.

You need a twist throttle, yes or no?    Gary Salo    11th Apr 2014 @ 6:59 AM    N/A    Edit    Flag
Error en el pedido
   Si necesito twist que fue lo que pedí y no throttle que es lo que me habeis mandado

If I need to twist that was what I asked and not throttle that is what I have instructed    [Customer]    11th Apr 2014 @ 4:46 PM    Read    (Mark as Unread)    Edit    Flag
Re: Error en el pedido
   im sorry the translation is not clear.

can you send a picture of what you received to

gary    Gary Salo    14th Apr 2014 @ 11:48 AM    N/A    Edit    Flag
Error en el pedido
   Ya les he mandado el email, como verán me lo mandaron mal, yo pedí twis no throttle, ahora no puedo instalar los cambios revolshift.    [Customer]    14th Apr 2014 @ 5:03 PM    Read    (Mark as Unread)    Edit    Flag
Re: Error en el pedido
   Now I really don't understand the problem. Your order says you want a 48 volt twist throttle. The picture you sent me is a twist throttle. You received exactly what you ordered. What is the problem?

   Gary Salo    22nd Apr 2014 @ 3:54 PM    N/A    Edit    Flag
Error en el pedido
   in my order I asked twist and not throttle.
leave it doesn't matter, anyway I've been very unhappy and will not buy them anything and in the forums in which I already participate say evil treatment I have received.    [Customer]    23rd Apr 2014 @ 5:11 AM    Read    (Mark as Unread)    Edit    Flag
Re: Error en el pedido
   If only I could understand what the problem is I would resolve it. Is there anyone you know that speaks English?    Gary Salo    24th Apr 2014 @ 10:37 AM    N/A    Edit    Flag
Error en el pedido
   No no conozco a nadie que hable inglés, os voy a hablar en español.
Yo pedi twist y no throttle que es lo que me habeis mandado, Mirar mi pedido y vereis que pone twist.

I do not know anyone who speaks English, I am going to speak in Spanish.
I asked twist and not throttle that is what I have instructed, look at my order and you will see that puts twist.    [Customer]    25th Apr 2014 @ 12:56 PM    Read    (Mark as Unread)    Edit    Flag
Re: Error en el pedido
   I see the order is twist

i see the picture you sent of what you received is twist.

what is the problem?

I don't know why you say I am evil. I am trying to help you.

I want you to be happy

I have tried to help from the beginning but I do not understand the problem

once I under stand the problem we will resolve it.

Gary    Gary Salo    25th Apr 2014 @ 3:12 PM    N/A    Edit    Flag
Re: Error en el pedido
Veo el orden es giro

veo la foto que enviaste de lo que usted recibió es torcedura.

¿cuál es el problema?

No sé por qué dices que soy malo. Estoy tratando de ayudarte.

Quiero que seas feliz

He tratado de ayudar desde el principio, pero no entiendo el problema

una vez que me quedo bajo el problema lo vamos a resolver.

Gary    Gary Salo    25th Apr 2014 @ 3:17 PM    N/A    Edit    Flag
Re: Error en el pedido
   Please follow the link tell me what you want ..


Por favor siga el enlace dime lo que quieras ..

Gary    Gary Salo    25th Apr 2014 @ 3:21 PM    N/A    Edit    Flag
Re: Error en el pedido
   Antonio, please tell me what you need.

Gary    Gary Salo    30th Apr 2014 @ 8:21 PM    N/A    Edit    Flag
Error en el pedido
   Ya sabe usted lo que necesito, no volveré a comprar aquí, además la rueda mal radiada con los radios flojos, torcidos, en fin un desastre de pedido, dejémoslo así pero aquí advertiré a todo el mundo de lo mal que trabajan ustedes.    [Customer]    1st May 2014 @ 6:14 AM    Unread  (Mark as Read)    Edit    Flag
Re: Error en el pedido
   Please answer with only one word.

Do you want me to send you a twist throttle?



Offline GM Canada

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Re: Does anyone speak Spanish?
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2014, 11:36:07 PM »
The above post is a bit of a mess as I copied it from my website and pasted it directly in here so nothing would be lost.

I think this person was sent the wrong throttle. I think he wants a twist throttle. But when I asked him to email me a picture of the throttle he received it is a twist throttle.

Can someone the speaks Spanish help me with this as I do want him to be happy. I have tried using google translate but it is still unclear what the issue is.


Offline GM Canada

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Re: Does anyone speak Spanish?
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2014, 11:45:28 PM »
I have sent this customer a link to this thread. Hopefully he will come here to read what anyone can do to help out.


Offline GM Canada

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Re: Does anyone speak Spanish?
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2014, 12:59:54 PM »
Ok, I think I have resolved this issue. I believe when I asked him for a picture of what he received he sent me a picture of what he wants instead. I'm sending him a new throttle today.

Google translate is a great tool most of the time. Sometimes though it is very inaccurate. I noticed that if you translate something from English to Spanish, then take the out put and convert it back to English it can be completely different.
