The colours of the wires going to the controller could well be different to the harness colours, which is why you really need to check the continuity of all the wires using a meter to determine which pin each wire is actually connected to.
The component that has blown is a capacitor, I don't know its value, but I'm guessing it has been blown by too much voltage
(or perhaps a reversed voltage?) which can happen if the wires have been incorrectly connected. Unfortunately there are likely to be other components that have been internally damaged at the same time, although they may not necessarily be visibly damaged on the outside
(like the blown capacitor).
My controller is an earlier version than yours but it also has the Brown and Orange wires chopped off, but I have the following eight wires connected to the board from the motor harness:
- Thick Red = Battery + (Main Power supply)
- Thick Black = Battery - (Ground)
- Thin Red = Cruise Signal (xun)
- Thin Black = Program signal/Reverse (rx)
- Thin Yellow = Pedelec Signal (pas)
- Thin Green = Throttle Signal (sb)
- Thin Blue = Brake Signal (br)
- Thin White = +5V (+5)
Please Note: These are the colours on the controller end of the cable, but as they all connect via a hidden junction board in the motor harness, the colours on the motor's 8 pin connector
(and the main wiring harness) may differ.
You must make sure that the wiring is 100% correct before you connect a replacement controller, or you could end up with another dead controller.