The pedals will have their own assembly that can be optionally mounted along with a seat and handle bars. The first test with pedals, seat, and handle bards didn't work the way I wanted it to, so I decided to push forward with the options I had and revisit the idea after I had publicized the Tribey. I will absolutely make this assembly work, it will just take a little more design patience for me.
As for the groceries part I am still looking for a basket that will be able to hold groceries and be lockable so that if you go shopping and leave them in the basket you will be able to secure them. If you have encountered any such baskets please let me know and I will mount away.
A body enclosure is possible. If I made one, it would be more of a roll cage design, and there would be considerable weight added to the design. Polycarbonate would be an alternative, however it wouldn't be rigid enough for me. For foul weather conditions an enclosure would be advantageous, and I will see what I can do.
I did accessorize it a little bit more by adding a surf board rack today. So, if you enjoy taking on the swells check out the photos of it at a pleasure to answer questions