Author Topic: Mini motor failure  (Read 6416 times)

Offline simplyfly

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Mini motor failure
« on: March 12, 2011, 03:10:40 PM »
The drive plate and its threads sheared off completely..... when it happened I thought the freewheel had failed. I was using a standard BMX freewheel, 18t. The motor was installed on my Kona Big Unit 29er. After inspection it was clear what happened. The alloy drive plate was not made to withstand the force of pedaling!

So much for my dual motor system.....My design requires durable if not bomb proof parts. I was stumped by this and sent an email to golden motor right away. I did get a response, and was happy to have the drive plate replaced. I have waited for months and months, I finally gave up on warranty replacement of the part.

I was certain that I was stuck with a busted, new motor. I was also certain that I was the only person who was going to do anything about it, so I took maters into my own hands.

The replacement of the gear mounting was done by removing the drive plate itself from the mini motor, and bolting a new threadset on. The new mounting was made with a single speed hub, cut and milled to bolt onto the drive plate.

Offline simplyfly

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Re: Mini motor failure
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2011, 07:22:51 PM »
note the millimeter thick, bubble encrusted mounting threads in the above photo. there was literally less than 1 mm of material joining the threads to the drive plate.... surely not intended for performance cycling.

Offline tomasz

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Re: Mini motor failure
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2011, 08:48:56 PM »

Offline simplyfly

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Re: Mini motor failure
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2011, 02:34:50 PM »
Your motor also sheared off???? that makes three units in total???? no I am upset. I was told by GM that this has never happened before. I had this setup perfectly, no undue chain tension, no mishap. This motor just sheared off. I might also say that when it happened I wasn't even pedaling all that hard, it just gave way. I am wondering if there was a little slip in the manufacturing, that a piece of substandard alloy was allowed to be milled into the drive plates, either way, I want a replacement now for sure!!!!

Offline Sangesf

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Re: Mini motor failure
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2011, 06:44:38 PM »
Just hope it hasn't been over a year, if so, no replacement for you..

Offline simplyfly

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Re: Mini motor failure
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2011, 02:21:54 AM »
The incident happened withing a few weeks of my purchase. I immediately let GM know what had happened. I have a total of 34 emails to Nick. I was hoping to have just the drive plate replaced, I am even willing to pay for postage... no drive plate, no working motor, just me and a useless motor. Finally I gave up and repaired the motor, knowing that whatever "warranty" I had would be void.

The mini motor has just been reinstalled onto my bike, and I have been trying to get it going, no dice. Just won't start. I have tried three different GM controllers, nothing. At this point I would really really like to have a replacement motor, allot actually. I am wondering what ever happened to you Tomasz, did you end up with a replaced warranty motor?

Offline simplyfly

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Re: Mini motor failure
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2011, 02:26:56 AM »
This was copied from my email: from mr. Nick Shen,

Thanks for your reply.

For the issue of the drive plate, we are glad to send you replacement for it
as it is what our after sale service should do.

Never received anything.....I really really hope that I do. Mr Shen, will you please, pretty please send me a warranty motor to replace the faulty one I have?

Offline simplyfly

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Re: Mini motor failure
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2011, 03:09:48 PM »
still no reply......

Offline simplyfly

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Re: Mini motor failure
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2011, 04:56:23 PM »
Two more e-mails... One can only hope.....

Offline tomasz

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Re: Mini motor failure
« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2011, 09:17:35 PM »
You know ......
With the guarantee is the same as the Yeti.
Some people say that someone has seen him.......

I informed the GM ofcourse, but do not expect for a response (no hope).

So I was lucky because my client has repaired the motors itself.