Author Topic: problem  (Read 4924 times)

Offline dmould66

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« on: December 16, 2010, 02:04:42 PM »
ive just bought a 24v 500 watt hub motor of ebay which I believe to be a gm model, its black with silver circles? I fitted it to my trike and went out for a spin, loved it worked realy well. spent today tidying up the wiring etc then took it out for its first long run. after a few k's I got a bit of a judder it then peformed very well for about 20k's before the juddering came back and didnt go away (unless I shut down and just peddaled) I did about 2k's like this I suppose I should of just peddaled back but I was trying to work out what was wrong. it died completly outside my house and hasnt so much as spluttered since. I checked all the wiring and pulled the hub covers the only thing I could find was two of the wires (red and black) had pulled out of the connector where both sets meet (my thought as the loom was a bit tight but I didnt want to cut  it about till I was sure everything worked) I cut the connector of and joined the wires together-nothing. my thought is the controlers shot. ive spent a load of money and done about 30 k's. don't know what to do?  :'(

Offline Hardcore

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Re: problem
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2010, 04:11:50 PM »
ask the one you bought it from for a replacement controller if you think that the controller is broke.
Since we aren't sure if it really is a gm, I don't think you'll get much luck on this forum and from what I understand is that you've got some loose wires?

Offline dmould66

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Re: problem
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2010, 04:29:46 PM »
twats a really helpful reply thank you.