Author Topic: Buy new controller  (Read 8081 times)

Offline Chris Angel

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Buy new controller
« on: November 26, 2007, 03:58:40 PM »
I have contacted several times and allowed many weeks for a response to no avail.
I just want to purchase a replacement controller for a  BCK-26-0819 (500W brushless gearless 26" front wheel kit) purchased in 2004.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. The closest I can find to a replacement is an ebay item but it is only rated at 15 amps 350 watt and I am sure the controller I had originally was rated at in excess of 20 amps, more like 30 amps if I racall.

Offline Chris Angel

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Re: Buy new controller
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2007, 06:38:51 PM »
If possible I would like to buy a controller from a distributor either in Canada the U.S. I am pretty certain even one of the current 36V brushless 500W kit controllers would work. It looks as if the connectors have changed but I can live with that. It looks as if some of the distributors are importing container quantities of the kits. I would think they would either also be bringing in parts to support kit sales or breaking down kits into components to achieve the same result. It is a free country or continent though and just because that scenario makes sense to me does not mean anyone is obligated to do that as basic as it is. So that leaves Golden. I can buy a kit direct from Golden but they will not support it by offering parts for sale. I am sorry I do realize there are differences in the way business is conducted in various parts of the world but such support is fundamental and required no matter what part of the planet the business exists. It is just plain shabby those parts aren't offered and it should be an embarrassment to those who manage Golden. 

Offline Chris Angel

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Re: Buy new controller
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2007, 02:39:57 AM »
Strangely enough I thought they were actually operating a business to make a profit. If I expected instant gratification I certainly would not have bought any sort of E Bike kit. Nothing personal here I think anyone importing hub motor kits has chosen to do so primarily because they are enthusiasts themselves as the market in NA is tiny. To anyone else who really wants to operate as a business parts are a really good idea, necessary really. As far as Golden is concerned not having parts available or answering emails within the lifetime of the sender is inexcusable regardless of national origin of the business. From Goldens website "Over 60% of our products are exported to international markets." This more than implies it states they are doing business in world markets. No I am not some spoiled punk who expects a blister packaged point of purchase product to be waiting for me at the closest convenience store. I would have been quite alright with having to order one from China. The fact that I have not been able to do so despite months of effort speaks for itself and makes Goldens international aspirations nothing but a joke.

Offline Draggin

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Re: Buy new controller
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2007, 03:34:44 AM »
Chris google golden motor and look on the left side of the homepage for golden motor distributors. click on that and it will open to authorised distributors.  I don't Know about the guy in the states but the guys in Canada will do whatever they can for you.  I broke my break hand lever and they sent me a new one in a week or so.  I don't know about brokerages in the south but up here you cant beat the postal service to get something across the border.  The standard controller is dirt cheap anyway.  I hope this helps draggin 

Offline Chris Angel

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Re: Buy new controller
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2007, 04:04:15 PM »
I have probably read it since I have read many posts by Dray and myelectricbike, but how do I navigate to topic 193? I don't see any topic numbers.
Thanks to Draggin for the suggestion, Brandon at SBC responded right away to my request and is sending a new controller out today, both product and shipping were very reasonable.
Initially I visited the North American distributor sites linked from Goldens and did not see parts offered. This indicated to me that pehaps they were depending on Golden for parts. I was and still am uncertain as to if the controller will work with what I am sure is an earlier motor model. I could not get a response from Golden on this or any other inquiry despite 3 or 4 emails beginning in September. I guess the only way to find out is to try it. 

Offline OneEye

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Re: Buy new controller
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2007, 04:27:40 PM »
Look in the address bar of your browser.  For this topic it should read;topic=200.0

just replace 200.0 with 193

Offline Chris Angel

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Re: Buy new controller
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2007, 03:14:41 AM »
Thanks for the navigation tip and yes I had read Drays comments. It really is a shame they care so little about the most basic levels of quality control and customer service. Maybe Chinese manufactures rcan get away with that with their captive audience, but quality products are made there too and it won't take long before China's consumers are fed up with 4th rate crap when it costs often less to produce goods to acceptable quality standards. In 2004 I brought in 2 kits one of which had broken wires where the motor wires entered the axle. This was unacceptable and Philip made good on a replacement right away. He could also be depended on to answer emails not exactly promptly but within a week. I hope he makes it right for Dray, I think he would have 3 years or so ago. When their product works it outpaces my Crystalyte 408 with a lighter rider on a lighter bike, at a fraction of the cost. Crystalyte has decent customer service they still make good on short ships or other errors. Despite the higher cost they or someone who operates like them will have far more commercial success than Golden. After all as Dray has experienced if the true cost of a Golden kit is buy 3 to get 1 it is actually more expensive than a Crystalyte