Yes, my pie works fine in forward direction...
I noticed that one of the controller has yellow wire soldered to rx...
Did anyone actualy have luck in reversing the MP by grounding the "d" terminal? Do I need to ground "rx"?
rx is a data receive port.
tx is data transmission port.
I "believe" there is two levels of software access. Dont quote me on any of this.
One is for the low level programming the base programming of the controller.
And the other maybe for the user access level to the cmos settings. Similar to a computer motherboard bios and cmos. One is for the binary I/O system and the other cmos stores the settings. This can be burnt on a EEPROM or held suspended in nvram and powered by an onboard battery.
Like when you change the setting of the Pie you are not accessing the raw level programming in the controller just the settings.
Possibly this D place on the PCB is for the settings. I still don't own a GM magic controller, would be interesting to own an external Pie and play with this stuff..