About a year ago Oregon revised it's laws governing two wheeled vehicles to what is currently listed in the previous post I made. People with suspended drivers licenses were running around on gas engine skate boards, pocket mini motorcycles, and electric scooters. There were stores opening up selling electric scooters and advertising that no license or insurance required for those with DUII license suspensions. Apparently our lawmakers didn't want our walking drunks to find a better way to get around and tightened up the laws.
Notice that you can be arrested for a DUII if your are on property accessible to the public (this includes private property) on all of the wheeled vehicles including roller/inline skates. We wouldn't want you to hurt yourself now would we?
I bet those racing wheel chairs exceed 15 MPH, but of course pedal bikes also exceed 20 MPH. When I want to get somewhere quicker I can change my speed limiter and travel at 29 MPH, but I would never do that. I have never sped, jay walked, or spit on the sidewalk.