Author Topic: GM general questions  (Read 5817 times)

Offline retro

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GM general questions
« on: October 20, 2009, 06:09:38 PM »
I posted in another forum concerning a choice I'm at for a conversion.
Looking into the forums I came to two choices:
GM 48V 1000W on rear 26" and the Nine Continents 4806 on rear 26"

Thus far the points leaning toward the GM are price and speed/torque.  The questions still remaining for me is:
1. The durability of the GM, weather proofing
2. The actual wattage of the GM (I have heard several sources indicate 1000W motor isn't being measured as the 500W motor is, the relatively small price difference between the two would indicate this)
3. The durability of the BAC-281 50A Controller(sticking the controller into a plastic box on a rear rack would make airflow to keep cool difficult at best.) and the connections look too exposed not to put it into something to keep from the elements.
4. Can a Cycle Analyst be attached to the controller?

Open questions, keep me from committing to any purchase.  Any input is welcome.

Offline Philip Lynott

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Re: GM general questions
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2009, 07:36:17 AM »

I have done around 5000km and have only suffered a broken spoke on the motor, the motor is water proof in my experience however the controller is very vulnerable to water.

It seems to me that the 36V 750W motor and the 48V 1000W motor are identical, but I don't know about the 500W as I never had one.

The controller can get very hot without air flow, so I am dubious about the plastic box.

As far as I know the cycle analyst can be used, but there are no outputs or inputs specificaly for the cycle analyst.

I think that given the savings that can be made GM is worth the extra hassel you my have in building and maintaining your bike.


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Re: GM general questions
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2009, 12:46:34 AM »

I don't work for Golden Motor.  I am an early adopter
in buying direct from China.

I have been dealing with GM for a couple of years now
I don't expect instant replies, at first I expected  to wait
more than a week to get any answers.
Recently the turnaround has dropped dramatically.
(Thanks Tom and Yao.)

Please consider that you are dealing directly with a
manufacturer, not with a reseller.  They don't have a
'customer service' department.  They have someone take
time out from their job to deal with orders.

I am thrilled that they had someone devote time and resources
to put the SMF wiki up at all.  Most manufacturers in China
do not deal with customers period.

A reseller needs positive customer feedback to drive his
business because one complaint cancels a lot of kudos.
For manufacturers the squeaky wheel is the one you don't want
to do business with again.

I do not blame them for zapping comments like that.
In their shoes, I would probably have zapped your whole account.

Generally speaking, unsubstantiated complaints like 'their customer
service is crap' are not worth the time it takes to read them.