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Electric Boat Conversions / Re: Brake by reversing
« Last post by TommiS on June 14, 2024, 06:04:51 AM »
Vec500...try turning throttle to 0-position (12 o'clock). Then e-lock off and again on. Then try to reverse. This works in my solution.
Magic Pie & Smart Pie Discussions / Programming cable for Magic pie 2
« Last post by RickardNilsson on June 13, 2024, 06:14:11 PM »

I have four old Magic Pie 2 motor that I need to change the settings for, I'm therefore looking for a way ot program these.

The programmer that was developed for the Magic pie 2 motors is discontinued from golden motors. Has anyone tried to modify the programmer for Magic pie 5 with a contact that fits the Magic Pie 2 and been able to successfully program the controller? Or is there someone who is willing to sell their MP 2 programmer to me? :)

Best regards,
I did get this to work on my VEC 500, although power was very low at the time; around 190 W when sailing at 6 knots. Bear in mind that this was with a motor directly mounted on the prop shaft - WITHOUT and reduction gear. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a way to turn of the cycle of 15-beeps when re-gen is engaged.  :-[

I've now rebuilt the transmission with a reduction gear, and therefore expect higher power, since the motor (generator) will spin faster for the same sailing speed. I would estimate the generated power to be about 500 W, this have to be confirmed with real life tests though.

You can read more about re-gen in this blog post
I have a boat of similar size where I have done the conversion you mention.

It's all quite well documented on the boats web site. although written in Swedish, there's a Google translate button on the page that does a fairly decent job.
Hi there,

I have a 28' long keeled, transom hung rudder 9000 pound sloop with a huge diesel engine that I have begun to disconnect before removal along with a two radiator Webasto system, all of which takes way too much space in the boat. The boat has crossed oceans before me and will again, with me. I have a single 200watt 12 v solar panel for my three batteries, and all is running very well, but the diesel must go and I am preparing for a replacement. I will install a monitor windvane too.
I do not have space enough for sufficient solar panels, and I don't want wind generators, but will likely get to maybe 500watt total with panels. Yet all this may be irrelevant once I start learning how and which e motor I would use. Though I am thinking the 10 Kw would be it. Then again, a 5Kw may be more relevant for longer battery pack time... I don't need speed. But I want sufficient muscle to navigate as safely as needed.

I came across a video with a 10 Kw Golden motor on a catamaran (Fantasia). That motor was delivered with the motor controller and connecting cables, as "a kit" (?). The captain referred to it as simple to work with, yet efficient, and pushing their catamaran without issues.
I want my e-motor to be sufficiently powerful to navigate me out of trouble, with sufficient battery power for it in terms of muscle and duration of potential heavy seas or no-wind days drifting away. I'll probably have a small generator to compensate for lack of sun, and potentially turn my current propeller into a regeneration solution, if possible.
I would appreciate being guided to where I can learn, to avoid asking questioned already answered, and make the right purchase from the get go.

So, this winter's project is done! I rebuilt the transmission, adding a tooth-belt-drive reduction of  2,78 : 1. I also replaced the VEC-500 for the newer EZ kontrol  (B48-1000). The new controller adds internal coolant channels and a slight increase in rpm for max power.

During my contacts with GM I asked the following about wokring temperatures.

What's the recommended temperature range for controller and motor?
Booth motor and controller will be cooled with circulating water but to avoid unnecessary noise I would like to start the cooling fan only at a certain temp.

And got this in reply

As for our 10KW BLDC motor,it shouldn't get proper cooling before 120°C. And the EZ Controllers will limit the current around 70°C and shut off around 90°C.

I can happily report that the controller now runs really cool, even though neither motor nor controller is connected to the coolant loop yet. I'm still waiting for some pluming parts, all parts are only lukewarm.

The entire build process and testing is documented at the boat's blog at in Swedish, and translated by google to English here.
Electric Boat Conversions / Re: Brake by reversing
« Last post by Pontus on June 04, 2024, 07:26:53 AM »
Here's a short follow up on how this issue has developed.

My European GM reseller Vela Solutions replaced the VEC 500 for a EZ Kontrol - free of charge! They also supplied the, a bit ugly though quite sturdy, GM Throttle.

Initial test show no sign of last year's issue. There's no problem doing quick changes between forward and reverse, even when the motor is still coasting.

More testing is needed though, since I haven't tried to brake att higher speeds yet, like when sailing.
Magic Pie & Smart Pie Discussions / Re: GM:Edge - what could cause Error 7?
« Last post by Bikemad on May 16, 2024, 11:48:31 PM »

According to the information I have, the Error 7 on the BAC-601 display indicates an "over current" fault, but I have no idea as to why this is happening.

Perhaps something is interfering with the MOSFET triggering and causing both the Hi and Low MOSFETs on a single Phase output to be momentarily energised simultaneously causing an excessively high current flow across the controller's shunt and simultaneously shorting together two Phase windings (which might also explain the sudden clunk and braking effect).

It might be worth temporarily separating the brake wires on the two controllers to see if the fault still occurs.  :-\
If this cures the problem, you may be able to add a diode to each of the controller's brake wires to prevent the brake signal voltage from being transferred from one controller to the other.

Also, if your mid-drive motor has a sensor on the gear-change to momentarily cut the throttle while changing gears, this could possibly be causing problems with the Edge's controller operation.

Unfortunately, I don't know what else to suggest apart from separating the two systems.

General Discussions / Re: VEC300 with 5kW motor
« Last post by Bikemad on May 16, 2024, 10:48:48 PM »
The eLock wire on the VEC controller is typically supplied with full battery voltage to activate the controller - NOT 12V.
The voltage on the throttle +5V wire is typically around 4.5~5V but I'm not sure what voltage is on the reverse wire before it is switched to ground to select reverse.

As the eLock and reverse switches are only switching a very small amount of current, a simple non-illuminated 12V switch should work fine (even with a 48V battery).

The 1.5k Ohm and 2k Ohm resistors indicated in the diagram are required to ensure the throttle signal voltage stays within the expected range:

Without these resistors, the Throttle voltage range protection could be activated at both ends of the potentiometer's travel (i.e. below 0.7V or above 4.0V) causing the motor to cut out and the 12 beep/blink error code to be displayed.

If the resistors are not used, the Throttle voltage range protection enable value would have to be set to 2:Disable to prevent the 12 beep/blink error from being triggered. However, this could prove to be extremely dangerous if the ground wire going to the potentiometer suddenly failed and became disconnected while the controller was powered up, as the motor could continue to run regardless of the potentiometer position!  :o

General Discussions / Re: VEC300 with 5kW motor
« Last post by Corchard on May 15, 2024, 02:49:35 PM »
Thank you Alan,

I'll give up on the LED for now and go back to just a simple arrangement of: switch for on/off for the controller, a separate switch for the reverse and the potentiometer for throttle control. 

Just confirming that the Elock is at 12 V and reverse and throttle are at 5V?

A simple 12V switch can control on/off by closing/shorting the elock wires/pins?
A simple 5V switch can control the reverse function by closing/shorting the reverse wire/pins?
The 10k Ohm potentiometer can be wired direct or needs the 1K Ohm and 2k Ohm resistors indicated in the diagram you provided?

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