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General Discussions / Re: Sensorless starting
« Last post by Tommycat on July 12, 2024, 07:21:48 PM »
Hi Tbnrider,
Sounds like a very frustrating experience.

Any chance of the motor's hall sensors having a bad connector, or accidently changing the pin-out thru all this? Use OEM replacement sensors?

Perhaps this thread will give you a different vantage point on something else. Check out the bench testing procedure for sure...


General Discussions / Sensorless starting
« Last post by Tbnrider on July 12, 2024, 07:04:48 PM »
I have ben having problems at startup on my road bike equipped with a #902 motor system.  On power-up I get a two-beep error message indicating a Hall-sensor problem.  On application of throttle I get a short shudder of motor power, indicating a lack of signals from the Hall circuit.  Removing the Hall circuit connection to the controller yields the same shudder on startup, indicating a sensor-less start.

Initially I tested the signals from the Hall circuit and found one slightly weaker than the other two, so I took the motor apart and replaced the weak sensor. On reassembly, I got the same result, sensor-less startup.

To determine if the problem may have been with the controller, I connected the motor wheels from two other bikes (I have four bikes with 902 systems) and got normal error signal and smooth startup.  And I connected the road bike motor wheel to two other controllers and throttles and got the same error signals and jerky startup as before.

So I concluded that the problem must be with the Hall sensor circuit in the motor.  I took the motor apart again and replaced all three Hall sensors and all the wiring of the Hall circuit (except for the wires in the main external cable to the controller), and checked everything carefully for continuity and short circuitry.  When reassembled with the original controller, I still got the error beeps and jerky sensor-less start.  I tried the motor wheel on the other two spare controllers, with the same results.

Just on the unlikely chance that I got the Hall sensors switched into the wrong order of positions when I installed them in the motor, I tried switching the signal leads from the sensors to the controller, with no difference in the results.

So obviously there appears to be something wrong with the motor, other that a Hall sensor problem.    But what??
What else should I try, other than replace the motor?

And what are the long-term consequences of just putting up with the startup shudder, and just operate with sensor-less starting all the time??


I have been riding my Magic Pie 5 happily for quite some time. Recently, I noticed that when speed was locked (via the red cruise control button), breaking wasn't cutting off power to the motor at all. I had to press on main thumb throttle lever to disengaged the throttle lock and only then I could use the breaks to slow down the bike.

What is expected to happen is that when speed is locked, squeezing the brakes will not only disengaged the speed lock but also apply the regen to help slow down the bike beyond braking power.

I have tried resetting the parameters via Bluetooth but I don't see the behavior changing. It is as if the squeezing action of the either of the breaks is not being detected. If it was only one break, I could have faulted the break switch itself, but the behavior is the same with either front or rear brakes. I also confirmed my Bluetooth connection is working fine because I can see the effect of changes in the maximum acceleration.

I would appreciate any help here.

I have this one for sale, in Sweden. Previously used with a VEC500. Works flawless.
General Discussions / Re: SHORT SPOKES KIT
« Last post by Todd75 on July 06, 2024, 05:37:04 AM »
......Thanks so much....I couldn't ask for a better response. Could I ask you....Who sells this kit? Is there a preferred seller out there?   
General Discussions / Re: SHORT SPOKES KIT
« Last post by Bikemad on July 06, 2024, 12:36:49 AM »
The standard spoke length for the 26" MP5 is 110mm, the same as MPII, MPIII and MP4:

I would use Sapim 13/14g stainless steel single butted strong spokes with 14g nipples, which Sapim recommend for eBikes and tandems:

These butted spokes are very strong (1250N/mm2) and rated for 1.6 million revolutions.

Gary made a good video showing how to re-spoke a Magic Pie wheel which may be helpful.
However, I strongly recommend that the spokes are fitted with their heads on the inside of the flanges as shown below:

This provides much better support for the spoke elbows which greatly reduces the chance of breakage due to fatigue and also improves the lateral strength of the wheel.

Check out this post to see how to calculate the correct spoke length if you are fitting a different depth rim.

General Discussions / SHORT SPOKES KIT
« Last post by Todd75 on July 05, 2024, 05:33:06 PM »
...HELLO......Has anyone here replaced the spokes on a Magic Pie 5 26" rim....or any other rim with SHORT spokes? I'm looking for a re-spoke kit for this rim/motor that has spokes made out of stronger (thicker?) material. Can anyone steer me in the right direction? Any input appreciated.

lurking here in order to find a reliable hall sensor throttle for boat (10 kW BLDC & E4682-48)

(& other troubleshooting)  ;)
Electric Boat Conversions / Re: EzKontroller and regen on a boat
« Last post by Pontus on June 25, 2024, 07:05:05 AM »

As far as I know the EzKontroller does not have variable re-gen.

There is however the option to enable EBS auto mode and specify the motor RPM. Doing so would engage the re-gen automatically at selected rpm.
General Discussions / Re: Simulate 3 KW and 5KW BLDC Motor Air Cooled
« Last post by Bikemad on June 22, 2024, 05:08:14 PM »
Hi andto the forum.

The rpm/V will vary with the voltage rating of the motors, but according to the dynamometer data on the website, here are the approximate rpm/V figures for the following motors:
3kW 48V = ~94
3kW 72V = ~60
5kW 48V = ~91
5kW 72V = ~59
5kW 96V = ~45

The voltage rating of the motors will affect both the Phase winding resistance and inductance.
Unfortunately, I have not seen any figures for the 3kW motors, but the figures for the 5kW motors are as follows:
  • Phase Resistance (Milliohms): 6.2/48V;    12.0/72V;    36.0/120V
  • Phase Induction(100KHZ):   68uH/48V; 154uH/72V; 504uH/120V

The 3kW and 5kW motor variants all have 8 magnets, which equals 4 pole pairs.

I can't find any details on the no-load current at low speeds for any of these motors, so I don't know how you'll be able to derive the Hysteresis torque and Eddie current torque for any of these motors.  :-\

Regarding the controller parameters, I have not seen any resistance figures published for any of the EZKontrol controllers.  :(

Battery Current Limit (Max Bus Current) and Phase Current Limit (Max Phase Current) will obviously vary dependent upon the exact model of the controller, but these figures are available on the website in the motor controller section.

Unfortunately, some things are never as simple and straightforward as you would like them to be.

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