Author Topic: Want circuit to bring down maximum speed via switch for Magic Pie 5 Vector  (Read 9952 times)

Offline Papagino

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Hey guys,

I am looking for a circuit to bring down maximum speed via a switch similar to what was posted on this post:

...but for the Magic Pie 5 Vector.

Here in NB, Canada, maximum speed is 32 km/h.

I am currently designing a handle bar front controller to house a cell phone, key switch, light switch, speed limiter switch, voltmeter and USB port to supply power to cell phone. This will be made using my 3D printer.

The speed limiter switch would only be turned on when doing off-roads.

Anyone has done such a mod on the Magic Pie 5 Vector?

« Last Edit: June 10, 2016, 08:27:34 PM by Papagino »

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The absolute simplest way to limit speed on the pie5's is using the bluetooth and phone app, when you drive it you have speedo and more importantly rpm, when your max speed is reached, note rpm, go to settings in app and set that rpm as max, remember to store data to pie.
After that you have full power until max rpm is reached, very handy, btw you can also limit accelleration to i.e. 50% so it doesnt kick off at start but genly brings you up to (max) speed.

Offline Bikemad

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Dan, as the Vector controller still uses the same type of throttle, the speed reducer should work just the same as on the other Magic Pies:

The diode and resistors in the above diagrams were needed on the Earlier Pies to prevent the controller from beeping if the signal voltage dropped too low when the throttle was fully released.
The later controllers do not have a built in audible warning device (beeper) like the original internal controllers did.

I would therefore use the more basic MPIII circuit for MP4 and MP5 controllers:

You will need to identify which colour wire is used for the throttle signal wire to ensure that you connect the speed reducer in series with the correct wire.  ;)

« Last Edit: July 04, 2017, 10:08:18 PM by Bikemad »

Offline Papagino

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Thanks a lot Alan...