I could use help knowing how to retrofit a GM in place of the rear wheel of my road bike turned exercise electricity generator. What do I need to do to make it happen? Is a GM motor the best solution for a bike generator??? Any help or direction would be appreciated for attaching it and making it work effectively...
Um you plan on pedaling for watts. For watt, I mean for what?
The best direction I could head you in is reverse, but yes it is possible, and if the solar winds destroy all our mobile phone batteries and the power is down for a week it may be worth getting some exercise on that bike you're making.
Before we embark on an epic exercise bike can I ask you a few questions.
How much power do you want to gain by doing this?.
What practical application do you want this for?.
If your were told this isn't worth wasting time or money on for your needs would you still continue?
Here is the easy way to do what you want.
Remove brake pads
Lift wheel off the ground.
Switch controller on.
Apply regen brake
Pedal to all hell against regen.
Keep pedaling more.
Look at the appox 32 watts of energy you made for your 10 mins effort.
Hire a slave to do the rest.
Hey it's not such a bad idea.You could make a gym with 20 of these exercise bikes and charge people to use them. All the time they are giving you free power. If you can get all 20 bikes running, 200 watts per hour x 20 bikes is 4000watts.

Edit Edit:
Serve the gym members high caffeine content energy drinks at cost and watch the watt meter