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General wiring diagram for Magic Pie and External Cruize Controler


General wiring diagram  for Magic Pie and External Cruize Controler ;D

Hi I have bought one of those , I got it today.  Iam wondring how should I connect the motor? should I) use the cables that comes from my internal (failed) controller?  or should I  connect it without the internal controller?


--- Quote from: moopro on September 22, 2011, 12:09:06 PM ---Hi I have bought one of those , I got it today.  Iam wondring how should I connect the motor? should I) use the cables that comes from my internal (failed) controller?  or should I  connect it without the internal controller?

--- End quote ---

Hey moo man you will need to re-wire it with new cables.

You will need 3 thick ones for the phase wires, and 5 small wires for the hall sensors. It is not a very fun task but once you have it up and running you should feel a tad better :D

Make sure you file out the shaft nice and smooth with sandpaper/small file and put lubricant to feed your cables through.

Using the GM controller you can get away with cutting an outdoor AC extension cable for the phase wires, and 5 small wires cut from a network / telephone cable. You should have these lying around the house, plus sewing machine oil or vasaline for the lubricant (maybe something in your bedside drawer lol)

So you should have this up and running in a few hours now right?


thank u that was very helpful , I did what u said and its rocking now ;) :D


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