Author Topic: Programming the Vector Controller  (Read 94921 times)

Offline Trim4

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Re: Programming the Vector Controller
« Reply #45 on: July 03, 2015, 10:21:46 PM »
So, upon wheel spin up, brakes applied, no resistance by controller, and even with every combo of drivers and gui's, no connection to my computer. Can't believe I have a bad usb cable AND both brake levers defective? I think I can connect a MM to the brake control pinouts to check if they ARE defective and then I will have to contact GM canada and see if Gary has some ideas. i'm out of them. Otherwise, I like the SP 4 motor, very quiet, smooth, but i'd like to try it on 48 volts, for a bit more power. Not too much, I need the exercise. ;)

Offline Bikemad

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Re: Programming the Vector Controller
« Reply #46 on: July 03, 2015, 11:55:04 PM »
When you pull either of the brake levers, if the switches are working correctly, the throttle should be disabled, even if the regen is not working.

If the motor still tries to run when the throttle is operated with either of the brakes applied, there will be a fault within the wiring, brake switches or the controller itself.


Offline Maf1

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Re: Programming the Vector Controller
« Reply #47 on: July 17, 2015, 09:22:12 AM »
Hello Guys!

I got a problem with a Smart Pie Vector, 36 V , with Pas Sensor and BAC-601 Display!
Thera are 5 Pas Levels, at the first I got 100 Watts, and from 2 - 5 Level is the same Power?
What parameter do I have to change?


Best Regard

Offline Bikemad

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Re: Programming the Vector Controller
« Reply #48 on: July 17, 2015, 11:42:24 AM »
Without knowing what your existing settings are it is difficult to know what might be causing the problem.

Make sure the "Battery drawn current (A)" is set to 18 Amps maximum for the Smart Pie. If it is set higher than this it will be very inefficient and can cause the motor to heat up under sustained heavy load. 
The "Rated phase current (A)" is usually set at about 56 Amps.

Try setting the "PAS Ratio ( 0.1 times )" to 50 and see what difference it makes.

What is the maximum power shown on the display if you use the throttle instead of the pedelec?

Do you notice any difference between the assistance level in lower gears compared to higher gears?

It is unusual for the power to be the same for all five modes, does it still produce assistance when level 0 is selected?

With the battery switched off, disconnect the BAC-601 Display and see if the pedal assist feels any different without it being controlled by the BAC-601 Display.


Offline Maf1

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Re: Programming the Vector Controller
« Reply #49 on: July 17, 2015, 02:56:25 PM »
Hy Alan!
Thanks for your reply!
Maximum power with throttle is about 600watt!
There is no assistance when level 0!
When I change Pas ratio to 50 I got 11 watt on level 1, 520watt on level 2, from 3 - 5 nearly the same watt 590-610!
Without BAC it works strong from the start-i think normal!


Offline Jaffa

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Re: Programming the Vector Controller
« Reply #50 on: September 05, 2016, 06:35:57 PM »
my Magic Pie 5 don't want connect with pc..i try everithing.Please can you help?

Offline Bikemad

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Re: Programming the Vector Controller
« Reply #51 on: September 05, 2016, 11:22:27 PM »
Hi Jaffa,

According to the video, you seem to be doing everything in the correct order and, if everything was working correctly, it should have connected.

I realise that it is not connecting to the PC, but does the motor run OK?

If the motor doesn't run, try unplugging both of the brake switch connectors and try again, as this would rule out a short inside one of the brake switch cables.

If the motor still doesn't run, or does run, but spins in the wrong direction, check that the unused wires on the pedelec/reverse cable are not exposed and touching against each other.
If the Red +5V is touching the Black ground wire then the motor will not run and the controller will not be recognised by the programming software.
If  the Blue and Black wires are touching, this will make the motor run backwards and will also interfere with the programming of the controller.

It might also be worth trying to connect to the programming software with the throttle disconnected, just in case the +5v supply is somehow shorted inside the throttle.

Try and give as much information as possible with your reply, comments like, "i try everithing" are not very informative.  ;)

« Last Edit: July 02, 2017, 06:47:59 PM by Bikemad »

Offline Jaffa

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Re: Programming the Vector Controller
« Reply #52 on: September 06, 2016, 12:21:24 PM »
Ihave tried everything you adviced me.I check pedelec cable,brake cable and everything is ok.Motor is working normaly.After my effort connect motor whith cable started problems whith bluetooth connection.Now it isnt able to set motor.

Offline Wklatt

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Re: Programming the Vector Controller
« Reply #53 on: September 06, 2016, 01:16:33 PM »
Long shot here, but are you pressing the "connect" button on the left? Not trying to insult you, but it happened to me. I plugged in my USB, had the correct com port and tried upload, download,... and nothing happened. Couldn't figure it out as it always worked before for me... Then finally remembered I had to press the button on the left first.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2016, 01:19:53 PM by Wklatt »

Offline Bikemad

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Re: Programming the Vector Controller
« Reply #54 on: September 07, 2016, 10:33:55 AM »
At least we now know that the +5V supply, Ground connection, throttle unit and both brake switches are all OK and that the reverse signal wire is not grounded because the motor runs normally (and in the correct direction).

As you are still unable to connect to the controller with the brakes and throttle etc. unplugged, it could be one (or more) of the following:
  • A faulty USB programming cable
  • A poor connection on the programming connector plug or socket
  • An open or shorted connection somewhere within the motor harness (Which must have occurred when the USB cable was used)
  • A faulty programming interface chip on the controller
After my effort connect motor whith cable started problems whith bluetooth connection.Now it isnt able to set motor.

As your Bluetooth dongle was working before, but has now stopped working and the USB programming cable does not seem to be communicating with the controller, it would suggest that the problem must be common to both items.

As they both plug into the same connection on the controller, it could be a faulty connector/wiring, or the controller itself?

Check the five pins on the connector to make sure that none of the pins have been accidentally bent over or damaged by a forced/misaligned insertion of either of the plugs (Bluetooth dongle or USB cable).

If the five pins are all OK, the fault may be in the controller itself (or somewhere inside its attached wiring harness) and you may find that the controller will need to be replaced in order to get the Bluetooth (and USB programming connection) working again.  :(


Offline Jaffa

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Re: Programming the Vector Controller
« Reply #55 on: September 07, 2016, 02:07:18 PM »
Thank you Alan I try new cable and will see..

Offline EBEN

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Re: Programming the Vector Controller
« Reply #56 on: September 17, 2017, 09:05:37 PM »
I'm at a loss for why I can't get the programming software to connect to my new Smart Pie controller.

Last night I successfully installed the Smart Pie software to the controller using the flash update program following Gary's video:

Immediately afterwards, I tried connecting using the programming software. I've successfully connected to other controllers using this same cable and program on this same computer. Following the instructions on this thread doesn't work, neither do the instructions on Gary's other video:

I've confirmed that none of the unused wires are touching each other. And I don't have the wire harness connected.

It's worth noting that when I first hooked up the controller to the motor, I powered it on fully connected to the bike, and didn't get any error messages on the display. After installing the Smart Pie software and trying to connect to the programming software, I get an error 2 (throttle) message when I connect everything up on the bike.

Thanks for any guidance on next steps.

Offline Stegolden

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Re: Programming the Vector Controller
« Reply #57 on: May 19, 2018, 03:10:36 PM »
Hi Alan,
can you suggest to me the parameters for my bike?

i've mounted Smart Pie 4 on 29" bike

but I don't know the correct adjustements for have a good response from motor
with default parameters the motor is too powerful and help me only with high pedal cadence....

Offline Bikemad

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Re: Programming the Vector Controller
« Reply #58 on: May 20, 2018, 07:59:46 PM »
You will need to try changing some of the settings and see how the bike runs after each adjustment.

Make a note of the alterations you apply to avoid any confusion and also a brief note of what the outcome was during the test ride (no different, improved, worse, too weak, too slow to respond etc.).

You should be able to adjust the amount of assistance in relation to the cadance by changing the PAS Ration ( 0.1 times ) setting.

If the motor is really too powerful, try lowering the Battery drawn current (A) (default/advisable maximum is 18A) and/or the Rated phase current (A) (default is 56A) in stages until you find the best level of assistance.

If the power cuts in too strongly, you can also try reducing the Acceleration setting to ease the power in more gently.

Unfortunately, the PAS sensor only detects the pedal speed, and therefore does not allow the controller to apply power in relation to the load on the pedals.

Do you have the BAC-601 Smart LCD display unit to manually change the assistance levels while riding?


Offline Stegolden

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Re: Programming the Vector Controller
« Reply #59 on: May 21, 2018, 09:23:22 AM »
i've installed bluetooth interface so I can update parameters by smartphone.

my bike is mtb 29" - 10 speed on rear and 3 speed on front
i've installed also Pas sensor, battery is 36v
i've tried to change something, but I don't see the difference between the levels.

in your opinion can be a good solution this adjustment?

battery drawn curret 18a
rated phase 35
ratio PAS 100
max forward speed 200

thank you