Some of these ridiculous laws makes no sense at all.
10km/h speed limit for riders of electric bikes, yet those on conventional bikes can go 20km/h.

If they are going to ban electric bikes, presumably they will also want to ban kids on electric vehicles
(scooters, trikes, tractors and miniature cars etc.).
We must also include electric wheelchairs and mobility vehicles, because those are also
"unlicensed, their drivers are uninsured and it’s not uncommon to find them in the middle of the road, or cruising down a city sidewalk".It probably won't be too long before being allowed to walk or run in any public place becomes an offence while using any form of electrical assistance, so those at risk of being caught will have to make sure they switch off their pacemakers
(or remove them completely) before venturing out, or face prosecution.
Unfortunately, ridiculous legislations like these are unlikely to be withdrawn once they have been implemented, as most official bodies will never admit that they have actually made a stupid mistake.