Any chance you have a part number and price? Can we get one from Gary? I'd like to get rid of the known reliability concerns of that switch.
I have the improved ones in the parts and accessories section for quite some time now. These come standard with the lifepo4 batteries. at least mine have them anyway. I have that same picture sent to me in an email yesterday from what I believe to be one of my customers. Its always nice to hear when someone is happy

Over the past year or so I have replaced a dozen or so of the old key switches with these and have had no complaints yet.
I think the main reason the key switches fail is the locking pin does not go though the hole in the plate properly. I have experienced more then once a key switch arching out and when I pull it from the rack its fine. I find if I hear a switch arching I drill a larger hole in the plate for the locking pin and its fine after that. I think the pressure of the pin not going through the plate opens the circuit a bit.
Anyway what do I know :0)
Sorry to edit my post but that new switch is very easy to solder on as well. when looking at that picture you can see a solder bead at each end of each contact. all I do is hold a wire across the two contacts on one pole. hold the sodering iron in the middle of the wire between the two solder blobs and in a second or two they melt and the wire sticks on. then while its hot I add a little more soder. Believe me if I can do it its easy