Author Topic: Big problems on set HPM3000B, VEC200, Potentiometer  (Read 5072 times)

Offline Jsail

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Big problems on set HPM3000B, VEC200, Potentiometer
« on: March 21, 2023, 07:00:40 PM »
I try to get first time the new set HPM3000B, VEC200 48, Potentiometer 4k7 to run.
There was a blinking red led 12times. That means "Throttle input is abnormal". That was clear vor me. But where can I find how to use a potentiometer at the Throttle-Connection.

I have got an example of a setup with the programming cable...
The results are in the attachements.

Exept the blinking red led, I never get power on the motor. I only connected e-lock, and the potentiometer at the throttle connection
How could I find out, what the controller is missing?

Thank you for your help

Offline Bikemad

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Re: Big problems on set HPM3000B, VEC200, Potentiometer
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2023, 11:01:21 PM »
Hi Joseph andto the forum.

Even though you are using a potentiometer, I would start by changing the Speed throttle type setting back to 0:Hall effect throttle and see if the motor runs when you slowly turn the potentiometer from the Minimum (Off) position.
You may have to disconnect the programming cable before powering up the controller for the changes to take effect.  :-\

The 12 blink error will occur if the throttle signal voltage from the potentiometer is below 0.4~0.7V or above 3.5~4.0V.  Ideally, the throttle signal voltage should be 0.8~1.0V when the controller is powered up.

When using a potentiometer as a throttle, resistors can be added to the +5V and Ground wires as shown below to ensure the throttle signal output voltage remains within the expected range, which should cure the 12 blink error code:

As you are using a 4k7 potentiometer instead of the 10k potentiometer shown, the resistance values shown above will both need to be reduced (try half the value) to ensure the maximum and minimum throttle signal output voltage remains within the usable range of 0.7~3.5V.

With the default throttle settings, the motor should start to spin when the signal voltage reaches ~1.2V and should achieve maximum rpm at ~3.2V or above.


Offline Jsail

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Re: Big problems on set HPM3000B, VEC200, Potentiometer
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2023, 10:35:42 AM »
Hi Alan,

thank you for your "welcome" and your support!
My feedback follows next week.


Offline Jsail

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Re: Big problems on set HPM3000B, VEC200, Potentiometer
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2023, 12:39:40 PM »
Hi Alan,
we tried again.
With the new „throttlecable“ we heard a short scratch-sound and gets 50mV from the Controller and then the red led started to blink in 4times groups. The Motor is for iself without load.
Unfortunaley ouer programing cable is brocken; we don't know why?

Is there a manual aviable, how to set a GoldenMotor and Controller from begin?

I am looking forward to hear from you or the forum.


Offline Bikemad

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Re: Big problems on set HPM3000B, VEC200, Potentiometer
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2023, 02:26:26 PM »
Hi Joseph,

The 4 blink error code indicates that the motor stall protection has been triggered, are you sure the Phase wires and Hall Sensor wires are connected correctly, as an incorrect Phase Wire or Hall Sensor combination could be the cause?

With an incorrect Phase Wire or Hall Sensor combination, the motor would instantly stall if the rotor's magnets were being pushed/pulled into their existing positions instead of being pushed/pulled in the correct direction to cause the rotor to rotate.


Offline Jsail

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Re: Big problems on set HPM3000B, VEC200, Potentiometer
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2023, 02:41:09 PM »
Hi Alan,

the throttle cable is active in the VoltageRange you sent me. I have got another new unchanged VEC200 controller. This showed the same Errors. So next time when I am at the Boatyard I check the connections. It could be, that I mixed up the 3 powerwires and the controlConnector could be badly connected.

Is there a easy way to check if the motor is working or not?