I knew youd take a bite.

But very Good point and good solution.
This hapens with full hand throttles. I had the same thing with the full throttles so I cut the handle off short and butt hand gripped the end.. This adds an anchor spot for your hand (palm and last two fingers) around between the solid end grip and the twisty throttle part. Walking the bike while power on, even had me flip the bike using the full hand throttle.
The half hand throttle mod stopped all types of similar problems since.
Make this on the list of safety requirements. Smaller than half length twist throttles or thumb throttles.. Make full throttles a no no.
The worst thing hapened to me with my first full throttle..
I had no brake switches, and heavy 20ah SLA pack on frame looooog ago. The bike fell over as usual, the stand wasnt good enough to handle 28kgs of lead on the frame.. The full weight of the bike landed on the throttle and snapped some tabs inside. The throttle handle didnt come off until I was half way home, and when it did, I almost killed myself. I almost lost controll of the bike as the handle came off in my hand. To make maters worse, the acceleration went into full speed.
Here I am with bike stuck at full speed, hand throttle in right hand trying to jam the throttle back into place to slow it down. I managed to get it into place, and hold it in, it still came off a few times on the way home. I got used using it a bit and managed to get home accident free.
The most dangerous point, was when it came off in my hand without expecting it. I lost balance at that moment and nearly fell off the bike to the right and did a big swerve. Fortunatly I was on the wrong side of the road, so I didnt swerve into the trafic, and there was no gutter to swerve into, just gravel and grass to my right.
This incident led me here on how to fix it. turing the borken throttle into a half throttle mod fixed it short term, and I continued to use the broken throttle for months with the half hand mod.