Thanks Gingey
Geez total lack of ideas guys!!! Disappointing! lol
Ok so maybe I will rant a little of my recent shinanigans.
Originally wanted some tunes on my bike, I built and installed a 3 speaker stereo using a 5" woofer bought from ebay that
completely BS'd on the frequency response and it turned out to be a mid-range and did not 'woof' to any degree! So I have saved this as a door stop. The 2 speakers I used were from old nokia car kits (10W 8ohm) speakers. They also sounded like someone was banging on a Milo tin in my cupboard. I was shattered !!!!!!!!!!!!!
So after my findings on the Logitech Z323 speaker set, that the AC transformer brings it down to 15VDC which I'm near certain is unregulated hence why I have the exact same sound running from a 12v battery plugged directly into the PCB.
The sound is AMAZING !!!!!!!!
So since, I pulled the 5" crappy thing out of the mini custom sub box I made, calculated the new woofer for a vent and bolted it into position. I've since removed the 4 speakers from the satellite speakers and installed them in a ported small box that sits in my handlebar dash. I still have to finish the wiring and everything else going on, but still cannot get over the sound quality I have on my push bike!!! LOL its tops
So its wired up and working, I don't have pics yet of the completed system but I'll post what I have when I made the sub box last week and you will get the idea of where the other speakers go.
I've checked online and these speaker sets go for around $50 new now, I can't guarantee the earlier or newer models of this speaker set are also DC but I would suggest strongly they are.... The audio chip is a BTL variant and yields about 18WRMS which is heaps considering its blasting from underneath/right in front of you.
Highly recommend anyone wanting a clear, pumpy sound system to try and work on of these on your ride!!