Author Topic: .. MP5 ..conking out ...from the heat ???  (Read 11016 times)

Offline Bikemad

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Re: .. MP5 ..conking out ...from the heat ???
« Reply #15 on: September 15, 2023, 12:09:27 PM »
Looks like this battery is shot .. I have been charging it really fully to try and get the bad cell to come back 5-6 times I "balanced" the cells ..This last time I let it go a little lower and it's cutting out at 54 volts where it was 52 volts it would cut out at a week or so ago ... If I fully charge the battery it will still easily do any ride I do 25 miles Max.

Don, it definitely sounds like you have at least one weak cell group whose voltage is dropping too low under load and causing the BMS to cut the power.
If you look at the following chart you can see what happens to a weak cell under load compared to a good cell:

The good cell never drops below 3.55V, whereas the weak cell drops right down below 2.95V under the same load. You can also see that the poor cell's voltage quickly returns to 3.8V when not under load, and eventually settles at 3.95V after it has rested for a couple of minutes.
At the beginning of the test there was only ~10mV (0.01V) difference between the good and the weak cells, and at the end of the test there was still only ~50mV difference (0.05V) between the two cells.
However, the difference between the two cells when placed under load is ~600mV (0.6V) within 10 minutes of use.

I don't think your battery is completely "shot" if it can still "easily do" a 25 mile ride, but it is obviously on its way out if it's now cutting out at 54V (~3.86V per cell).
The BMS cutoff voltage for individual cells (or paralleled cell groups) is typically around 2.5~2.9V, therefore at least one of your cell groups is dropping at least 1V under load and causing the BMS to cut the power.

Considering the huge increase in the number of electric vehicles in use today, you'd think there would be more individuals and businesses specialising in battery repairs. ::)

If you continue to charge it fully before every ride (right up to 58.8V) it will hopefully survive until you can obtain a replacement.


Offline diverdon

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Re: .. MP5 ..conking out ...from the heat ???
« Reply #16 on: September 15, 2023, 09:33:41 PM »

    Yea .. Was on the work Program in High School and continued to work on cars for 15 years .. I've tested a LOT of batteries ..and seen what a bad cell can do .. sometimes I thought I could look in the fill hole and see a bad cell .. And the Age of the battery always tells the tale ..

     I was just Hoping the fancy charger I was using had never fully charged it and the cells just needed " "Balancing" Ha .. didn't hurt to try ..and yes ..I'm pretty sure unless the battery fails worse a full charge will take me anywhere I want to go ... Which leads to a question ...

     Amazon has a battery 2 amp hours larger 15 AH ..for 10 bucks more ..they use 3500 Milliamp battery's instead if 3000 ones ..can you think of any reason I shouldn't go for the extra Capacity ? I'm thinking it's the newer model from what I bought over 3 years ago ..

      Thanks Again for all your help ..You keep me moving on the Bike .. Don