Author Topic: Club Car with 10kw and 500A controller. Only 21mph??  (Read 14619 times)

Offline TheKing

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Re: Club Car with 10kw and 500A controller. Only 21mph??
« Reply #15 on: June 23, 2020, 07:06:53 PM »
Mean,  Battery drawn current was 100 A  and Boost Current 60A

Offline Bikemad

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Re: Club Car with 10kw and 500A controller. Only 21mph??
« Reply #16 on: June 23, 2020, 09:19:47 PM »
If you lowered the Battery drawn current by 100A it will have gone from 220A to just 120A and if the Boost Current (A) has been lowered by 60A it will have gone from 260A down to 200A that would only allow 55% of the original maximum continuous current and 77% of the maximum boost current.  ???

This means that the maximum continuous power has been reduced from 9.46kW (220A @ 43V) down to just 5.64kW (120A @ 47V).

And the 20 seconds of maximum boost power has gone from 10.4kW (260A @ 40V) down to 9.2kW (200A @ 46V).

That might explain why you only have "limited" power now.

Try setting the Battery drawn current to 200A and the Boost Current (A) to 240A and see how it performs.
If the voltage sag is not too bad, you may be able to increase the current a little bit more.  :)


Offline TheKing

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Re: Club Car with 10kw and 500A controller
« Reply #17 on: June 25, 2020, 08:36:18 AM »
Currently Battery drawn current is at 220 A and my Boost Current (A) is 260 A, and let me tell you, I enjoy driving because it has enough power.
Maybe I can get more power with another combination, but for me it's the vehicle for city driving, I need maximum power and not more mileage.
Maybe with other parameters something can be done, I don't know does we get the maximum from regenerative brake, maybe with motor rpm increase? Down is last succesfull settings ...
Regards Alan,

Offline Bikemad

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Re: Club Car with 10kw and 500A controller
« Reply #18 on: June 27, 2020, 12:09:00 PM »
Maybe I can get more power with another combination, but for me it's the vehicle for city driving, I need maximum power and not more mileage.
Maybe with other parameters something can be done, I don't know does we get the maximum from regenerative brake, maybe with motor rpm increase?

I don't think you'll be able to increase the power unless you can increase the current without increasing the voltage sag, and this would require a battery with higher current capability (ideally Lithium).

If the regen is not being limited by the 60V Reverse charging voltage (V) or the 80A Reverse charging current (A) settings you may be able to improve the regenerative braking by setting the Deceleration (rpm/s) to the maximum available (which I think is 1200).

Using a lower gear should increase the regenerative braking effect, just like using a lower gear with the original petrol engine would have produced stronger engine braking.  ;)


Offline TheKing

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Re: Club Car with 10kw and 500A controller. Only 21mph??
« Reply #19 on: June 27, 2020, 09:46:54 PM »
I know , Li Ion battery is my next choise , after 3-4 year , but now thats it.
I will increase deceleration and hope that will effects on charging