Author Topic: New Ordering System  (Read 11688 times)

Offline kickabear

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New Ordering System
« on: June 19, 2007, 09:14:47 PM »
I'll try to be brief...

When will the new East Coast ordering system be up and available?  What is the URL for it when it does come up?  Will it support options, such as the regen controller as part of the kit? 

Also, can anyone recommend a supplier for batteries?  Can I buy them from Golden Motor, or do I have to go to someone else? 

Offline myelectricbike

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Re: New Ordering System
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2007, 06:45:44 AM »
Oddest thing... although basic system logic was complete and initial code was running little things like field validation and error handling still needed to be done - along with some professional layout. So much time was spent, however, dealing with issues like the inability to define variable types under ASP along with other ASP experience issues the number of crashes over minor issues forced development of the initial system to be put on hold.

Several "canned" shopping cart packages were then tested - one specifically designed to incorporate PayPal APIs under ASP but it had as many issues as developers being open source. A software package was found that represents an improvement in all areas so it is now being used. The system goals remain the same of assuring that 1.) orders for any quantity, size and power of front or rear kit, controller and accessorie can be placed without ambiguities and with ease. 2.) delivery addresses can be FedEx verified and 3.) contact phone numbers and email can be automatically validated to accommodate legal e-signature requirements in both China and the US.

So in answer to your question the new order system prototype should appear sometime after the end of next week. Although the hosting service was changed and was upgraded to Full Trust ASPNET the domain name remains the same.

Yes, the system can support component selection options but component exchange and price adjustment are Golden Motor policy issues which can not be overridden by the system. You need to email Philip Yao to find out if he accepts component substitutions within a kit and how kit price would be effected.

As I understand it Golden no longer sells lead acid batteries but SLA/AGM technology is easy to find. I think ebatteries offers 36volt 12AH SLA/AGM packs for $85 including shipping and full year's warranty.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2007, 07:31:05 PM by myelectricbike »

Offline OneEye

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Re: New Ordering System
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2007, 04:10:04 PM »
Rage Batteries has 12V - 12Ah SLA/AGM for $28 each (including shipping) in quantities of 3 or less.  for 4 or more they are $23 each shipped.  Comes out to $84 for a 36V - 12Ah pack or $69 per pack for 2 packs)

I have no ordering experience with them, just what I found while pricing out on the internet a few months back.


Offline ahend

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Re: New Ordering System
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2007, 04:46:44 PM »
I just purchased 30 Tenergy, 14Ah NiMH ā€œFā€ size cells from All-Battery Center on eBay for $335. If you can swallow/justify the cost, it should make a great pack, even though you will have to solder it up yourself. Total weight will be around 15 pounds and there should be power to spare.

Amondo Tech, also on eBay, offers some 12Ah ā€œDā€ size NiMH cells. Thirty of those would run about $180, not a bad deal, although I've not read any reviews of the brand (Titanium). Again, these are individual cells. Total weight would be 12 pounds.


Offline myelectricbike

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Re: New Ordering System
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2007, 02:22:59 AM »
I checked the Rage site for warranty information and could find none but they have a chat forum and contact email. Warranty is what I look for first since out of the 7 batteries I purchased 2 were bad and the rest unconditioned. I'm saving for the LiFePo4 pack since I've heard it is supposed to last a lifetime. Can anyone comment on this?
« Last Edit: June 21, 2007, 07:29:03 PM by myelectricbike »

Offline kickabear

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Re: New Ordering System
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2007, 12:54:09 PM »
I'm saving for the LiFePo4 pack since I've heard it si supposed to last a lifetime. Can anyone comment on this?

Where are you planning to order one?  I'd like to read the details on that, please...

Thanks, everyone!  I'm going to start a new topic on batteries later today.  I have more intelligent questions, now...

Offline myelectricbike

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Re: New Ordering System
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2007, 01:17:17 AM »
Golden Motor is now selling both a 36 volt 15AH and a 48 volt 10 AH version. Try batteries

6/16/07 Update... I have decided to proceed with Beta testing by presenting one page at a time. The current page being tested is of course the Liability Agreement page. Although there are minor formatting differences the page works the same except for displaying a confirmation page. Over the course of the next week or two the ASP support pages will be tested and revised each time a user submits the page. This is necessary to condense the processing logic to a single ASP page as well as to be sure that all normal and error conditions are accounted for and addressed since there are innumerable adaptations to server settings and other considerations for which there may be no client control. From recent past experience each page will have to be added like adding a card to a stack of cards in hopes that a slight breeze will not bring the whole stack down.

With this in mind if you want to participate in the Beta testing just go to Liability Agreement and enter your email address and click "I accept". Thanks.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2007, 02:20:10 AM by myelectricbike »