Author Topic: Throttle problem  (Read 4284 times)

Offline Majo_muriel2

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Throttle problem
« on: June 22, 2023, 11:13:42 PM »
Hello everyone,

I have a 10 kW motor and a potentiometer-type accelerator. When I configure the driver VEC500 for the accelerator, I hear 14 beats. After conducting some tests, I noticed that when I start pressing the pedal at about 1/4 of its travel, the sounds disappear and the motor starts working normally. However, when I begin to decelerate using the same pedal, that is, when I decrease the applied pressure, the motor starts running in reverse. Additionally, when I release the pedal, the motor goes to its maximum speed.

Could anyone help me troubleshoot this issue and find a solution?

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

Offline Bikemad

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Re: Throttle problem
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2023, 10:06:33 AM »
Hi Majo andto the forum.

It sounds like your controller is currently programmed for a boat type throttle, which has a central Neutral position (Reverse - Neutral - Forwards). This would cause the 14 beep error code if the throttle was not in the expected central position (for a boat type throttle) when the controller is powered up.

You will need to use the PI-400/VEC USB programming cable and PI-800 programming software to change the Throttle mode selection setting from 0:Hyperbola to 1:Linear.

I would also change the Speed throttle type setting from 1:Potentiometer throttle back to 0:Hall effect throttle as this should work with most throttle types.
I found out over the weekend what the culprit was: simply setting the throttle type in my settings to 'potentiometer throttle' causes the controller to emit an undocumented error code that the Goldenmotor people interpreted as internal controller damage that needed me sending in the controller, "entirely at my own cost " (up to $400). Setting it back to HAL effect throttle appeared to magically repair the internal damage and everything worked as before (saving me the $400). Everything is working fine now. I am now using a potentiometer with HALL effect as setting, but hey, all the controller input is really interested in is a voltage :)

To confirm that you have changed the parameters, I suggest that you try reading the parameters from the controller after you have altered and saved them to ensure they were saved correctly as the program icons are a bit ambiguous:

Make sure your USB programming cable has been unplugged from the controller before powering the controller up as I seem to recall it can sometimes remain in programming mode and will not operate the motor.

If your throttle is definitely a potentiometer type, you may need to add some resistors to the throttle wiring as shown below:

Suitable value resistors are required to ensure that the throttle signal voltage remains within the expected range (0.7~3.5V) to prevent a 12 beep error code (indicating that the throttle signal voltage is either too high or too low).
If you're using a 5,000 Ohm potentiometer, you will need to use lower value resistors (try 1,000 Ohm and 750 Ohm).


Offline Majo_muriel2

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Re: Throttle problem
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2023, 04:43:05 AM »
Hello Alan.
Thanks for you help.
But I have another question, more than a question I guess I  end a guide or something like that, as you said the program is a little ambiguous, so the settings are not what I expected.

1. I really want to know what parameters I need to set to accelerate immediately and push the throttle cause I for a electric car application.

2. And I also wan to know what parameters I have to change to bring the motor it's highest speed.

Offline Bikemad

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Re: Throttle problem
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2023, 11:14:20 PM »
1. For maximum acceleration you need to set the Acceleration (rpm/s) setting as high as possible. The tooltip information in the programming software shows acceptable values of 50~1200:

But I think you may find that 600 is the maximum value that can be successfully saved.

Enabling the Boost function by setting the Boost enable setting to 1:Enable and the Boost Mode setting to 1:Auto Mode might also help to increase acceleration.

2. For maximum speed you will need to set the Forword Speed ratio (%) setting to 100 and the Rated motor speed (rpm) to 5000. However, if you are running a 48V motor on a 72V battery you may be able to increase the rpm setting to 7500 for addition speed because the 48V motor should run ~50% faster on 72V.

Unfortunately, I am yet to find a user guide that explains the different settings for all the program parameters, but some information regarding throttle voltages and Phase current settings can be found here.
