Author Topic: Magic Pie 5 Vector with Bluetooth for Android/IOS  (Read 62448 times)

Offline Bikemad

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Re: Magic Pie 5 Vector with Bluetooth for Android/IOS
« Reply #15 on: August 10, 2015, 12:14:34 PM »
One last little note: I'm finally giving up the day job. I can no longer work two full time jobs so now I'll be dedicating all my time to servicing customers needs!

That's great news Gary, and as a Golden Motor Canada customer myself I am particularly pleased because I really need to have my house completely redecorated inside and out, and I also need the garden hedges trimming as well, and I would appreciate it if you could get this done as soon as possible as my wife is looking forward to having the house and garden clean and tidy again!!!

And don't forget that my utility bills need paying every month too!

Just let me know when you intend to start servicing my needs and I will make sure that I am available to supervise.

« Last Edit: July 04, 2017, 11:29:21 PM by Bikemad »

Offline Chris2015

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Re: Magic Pie 5 Vector with Bluetooth for Android/IOS
« Reply #16 on: August 10, 2015, 08:28:12 PM »
Is the bluebooth the only improvement to MP5? Have there been other improvement (like the efficiency)?

Offline Bikemad

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Re: Magic Pie 5 Vector with Bluetooth for Android/IOS
« Reply #17 on: August 10, 2015, 10:36:54 PM »
Yes, the only difference between the MP4 and MP5 is the addition of the Bluetooth connectivity, which can be used in conjunction with a Smart Phone for programming and monitoring.

The motor itself remains unchanged.

« Last Edit: August 10, 2015, 10:39:08 PM by Bikemad »

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Re: Magic Pie 5 Vector with Bluetooth for Android/IOS
« Reply #18 on: August 10, 2015, 10:58:24 PM »
There have been continuos improvments in the controller and now that it supports both the smart display and the bluetooth device it is officially V5.


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Re: Magic Pie 5 Vector with Bluetooth for Android/IOS
« Reply #19 on: August 16, 2015, 01:09:35 AM »
Hello all,

I created another short video the other day showing the wire harness. This time before they shipped I insisted they add plugs to the wire harness. Seems they added wires for the lights and pedelec, but not the reverse. I imagine the blue and black wire are buried in the cable for the pedelec. I was also thinking the pedelec wire will be too short for a front wheel but will work on the back. I guess you can extend it for the front.

I guess to summarize if you want to use the GM Lights or pedelec, the plugs are there. If you don't want them you can always snip them off and you will be back to the MP4 wire harness. Just be sure to separate and waterproof the ends.

See my video about the plugs here.

« Last Edit: August 16, 2015, 10:40:39 AM by spellchecker »

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Re: Magic Pie 5 Bluetooth Update Tool. Solid blue light? Use this tool!
« Reply #20 on: September 05, 2015, 01:10:13 AM »
Another video.

This one on how to do a flash update to the Magic Pie 5 and Smart Pie 5 Controllers

If you turn on your battery and get a solid blue light on the bluetooth device watch this video. You an get it to blink once and be ready for Bluetooth.


Offline Mgizen

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Re: Magic Pie 5 Vector with Bluetooth for Android/IOS
« Reply #21 on: September 07, 2015, 02:56:30 AM »
So I feel I have to ask if anyone has considered trying the firmware update on older mp4 controllers to see if this would work?
To be able to run the bluetooth technology dongle?

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Re: Magic Pie 5 Vector with Bluetooth for Android/IOS
« Reply #22 on: September 07, 2015, 10:35:26 AM »
I would not risk that. You might screwup the firmware for your controller with no way to fix it.


Offline GM Canada

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Re: Magic Pie 5 Vector with Bluetooth for Android/IOS
« Reply #23 on: September 07, 2015, 10:57:03 AM »
Another video

Magic Pie Build part 1 - lets get the wheel on.


Offline GM Canada

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Re: Magic Pie 5 Vector with Bluetooth for Android/IOS
« Reply #24 on: September 10, 2015, 04:46:23 PM »
Two more videos

Programming the controller with Bluetooth app

Intro to my iOS app and MP5 Test Drive


Offline AdamB

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Re: Magic Pie 5 Vector with Bluetooth for Android/IOS
« Reply #25 on: September 14, 2015, 06:13:24 PM »
Excuse me for interrupting but hopefully someone can direct me...

I was trying to confirm the max Continuous Amps & Max Amps on Start-up but the picture on the GM.CA site is a pain to see & down below in the description it starts the max continuous Amps is 25A...

That seemed off what I remembered, so I came back here to see what this page said & saw it says the max on startup is 80A & continuous (without specifically the word max) is 30A...

So which is right? Both of them or 1 of them?

I was doing some battery calculations & I need this info... Thanks in advance for any response!


Offline Bikemad

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Re: Magic Pie 5 Vector with Bluetooth for Android/IOS
« Reply #26 on: September 15, 2015, 12:58:15 AM »
The Wattmeter on my MP4 records a very consistent maximum peak battery current of ~30 Amps and that's with the controller set on 30 Amps (which is the maximum available) I don't know what the maximum continuous current is likely to be (and there are no adjustable settings for this) as the current always drops very quickly as the speed increases.

A very long steep hill would be required to cause a continuous high current draw under maximum load for a reasonable length of time, but my wattmeter is not easily visible while riding so I have never actually monitored the current under these conditions.

The "Battery drawn current" can be set anywhere between 10~30 Amps and the "Rated phase current" can be set anywhere between 35~70 Amps.
I have both of these setting on the maximum available and the maximum battery current has always been around 30 Amps except for one ride which for some unknown reason I recorded a maximum current of 34.08 Amps.

The phase current is typically much higher than the battery current as the windings receive a rapid succession of high frequency/ high current discharge pulses from the controller.
The capacitors in the controller act like a buffer to help smooth out the continuous current being drawn from the battery.

For anyone who's interested, read on and I'll try to explain why the phase current is higher than the battery current, just think of it in terms of water flow instead of current flow and it might be easier to comprehend. ;)

Imagine there is a large water tank (Controller) that is being filled up at the rate of 30 litres per second (30 Amps) from a water supply (Battery) at a constant pressure of 48psi (48 Volts).
The tank has a very large tap at the bottom (MOSFETs) which is fed by a booster pump (Capacitor) which causes water to leave the tank (Controller) under the same 48psi pressure (48V) but with double the flow rate of 60 litres per second (60A).

If this tap (MOSFETs) is repeatedly turned fully ON for half a second and then turned completely OFF for half a second (Pulse Width Modulation controlled output with Throttle @ 50%) the volume of water leaving the tap (Power) would be identical to the volume of water feeding into the tank, but the peak flow rate measured at the tap (Phase current) would be twice that of the peak flow rate supplying the tank (Battery current).

I expect that after reading this weird explanation that you are probably still confused, I must admit that it took me a while to get my head around it as I simply could not initially understand how the peak phase current could be any different to the measured battery current.


Offline AdamB

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Re: Magic Pie 5 Vector with Bluetooth for Android/IOS
« Reply #27 on: September 30, 2015, 08:55:30 AM »
Good answer, Alan!!! That can make sense to almost anyone!

Btw- why is it that if I write something here & then say go to a different tab to grab a link or check something or just put the thing down for a bit... That when I return & open this page, my prior text is still there but moments later it erases everything & I've lost all my work? Anyway I can stop that?


Offline Bikemad

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Re: Magic Pie 5 Vector with Bluetooth for Android/IOS
« Reply #28 on: September 30, 2015, 09:55:14 AM »
Btw- why is it that if I write something here & then say go to a different tab to grab a link or check something or just put the thing down for a bit... That when I return & open this page, my prior text is still there but moments later it erases everything & I've lost all my work? Anyway I can stop that?

I guess it must be something on your PC that periodically refreshes the page and clears the browser cache.
I always use Google Chrome and have the "On Start-up" option set to "Continue where you left off" and it saves almost everything I am typing into a "Post reply" even if I accidentally close the browser by mistake or the PC is subjected to a sudden power outage.

I used to get very frustrated when after spending considerable time compiling a post and being called away from the computer, I'd often return and find that Windows had either crashed, or performed an automatic update and restarted the system, resulting in the total loss of everything I had previously typed! >:(

The occasional problem I still suffer from is instinctively hitting F5 to refresh the page (instead of updating the preview) while I'm still in the middle of compiling a long post. ::)


Offline AdamB

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Re: Magic Pie 5 Vector with Bluetooth for Android/IOS
« Reply #29 on: October 02, 2015, 04:51:01 PM »
1st- I'm almost solely using Android (version 5) these days but all my machines are set up to save the last page like that & I totally don't have a problem anywhere else...

For example on other boards, I've partially completed posts that are many days old & survived multiple resets but are still intact but here they don't last long enough for me to check who just sent me a text message (though the longer I'm away, the more likely its going to disappear when I return)!

I've taken to selecting all & copying, all the time but I don't have a decent clipboard on this machine, so if I'm copying a link it overwrites, the prior copy & if the board uses that chance to delete my future post, then it's gone before I can do anything about it...

Also I know what you mean about refresh, on every other site if I refresh a page with text written on it, the newly refreshed page presents with all my work intact... But here it's just disappears! It drives me nuts, especially since it's usually the forum demanding I refresh in the 1st place! However at least now, I can predict that 1 & I know to select all & copy 1st...

Man, these boards are buggy! To be clear, I never have this issue on any other forums... At least I can be grateful this forum doesn't use ongoing spam protection where you have to enter what's in the picture... That's the worst, I usually need several dozen cycles before I get one that makes any sense!
