Unfortunately the computer I'm using to set the controller up has an old mail program, I should log in with gmail to put the .foc file here.
If the computer you are using has internet access, you should be able to access the forum directly from that computer and simply attach the saved .foc file from where you saved it on that computer.

But since the problem with this bike was always the start from dead stop, do you think it would be stronger if I disabled the boost and raised the phase current from 100 to 250 (in case it works)?
You'll just have to try it and see what happens. Unfortunately, it is probably going to require a fair amount of trial and error adjustment & testing to determine the best combination of settings that will give the best performance without the battery/
BMS cutting out.
Assuming it is
not a weak/faulty cell causing the problem, with the Boost function
disabled and the battery drawn current setting set lower than the battery's maximum continuous current output, it should not cut out.
Once you have determined the optimum setting for the battery drawn current
with higher Phase current setting you can then try re-enabling the boost function.
Start with a short duration and then gradually increase the boost current setting until the cutting out starts again, then gradually decrease the boost current setting until the cutting out stops.
It may then be possible to then increase the duration of the boost to allow more power for a slightly longer period of time
(unless the cutting out starts again).Make sure that you save a backup copy
(exported .foc file) of the best performance settings and keep it safe in case you accidentally reload the default settings.

Use a filename that clearly describes the saved settings, i.e. "max power occasional cutting out.foc" or "stable performance but weak torque.foc" etc.
if the cutting out is caused by a weak cell's voltage being pulled too low under load, the cutting out problem is likely to worsen as the battery becomes more discharged.
Although the cutting out problem may have been cured when testing with a fully charged battery, you could well find that the cutting out problem will quickly return again as the battery voltage begins to drop slightly during normal use.